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"This is my favorite animal plush." Jimin shows a plushie that's a cute yellow duck. "I usually snuggle it when I have those...type of nightmares..."

Namjoon smiles small. "That's sweet."

"Yeah." Jimin messes with the wing of the plush, feeling nervous. "Did...Jeongguk tell you my...i-issues? Before I even could?"

Namjoon looks at him. "He did."

Jimin's heart couldn't help to drop down for knowing it. He's glad that he knows, but...he can't accept the fact that Namjoon is fine with it, even if he knows about it. Jimin lowers his eyes and gulped hard, starting to feel uneasy for questioning it. His nervous shakes started rattling up, shakily reaching up to the back of his neck.

Namjoon notices and lifts a hand up to softly touch his other hand. "It's no worry, okay?"

Jimin looks at him, couldn't help to be teary eyed. "I-I wished that I could've told you myself first, b...but I was afraid and-and I just c-couldn't say it myself."

Namjoon squeezes his hand. "It's alright, I understand it."

"I-I feel horrible that Jeongguk had to tell you first...instead of me. I-I-I should've told you mysel—"

"Jimin." Namjoon moves his hand to the side of his face. "It's okay. Don't worry about it. At least someone told me, right? Is that what matters?"

Jimin's tears slowly roll down. "B-But...Jeongguk doesn't have my illness. I...I wanted to tell you myself..."

"But you didn't have to." Namjoon slowly wipes his tear away. "What if I never found out? What if you never told me and forgot to? It was alright that Jeongguk told me incase you maybe forgot or were embarrassed to. But you already told me, right?"

He felt his heart throb due to the comfort. He wanted to melt to his touch and how kind he is with understanding. Jimin stares at him, letting go of the plush and shakily reaching up to Namjoon's hand with both of his own. Namjoon just softly caresses his cheekbone, smiling at him. He doesn't want Jimin to worry.

Jimin let's go of his hand and scoots himself over to him, suddenly putting his arms around Namjoon's neck and shoulders. Namjoon blinks, softly putting his arms around his waist. He rests his head on Jimin's shoulder, fluttering his eyes closed.

"Thank you." Jimin whispers out, nervously gripping his shoulders. "F...For understanding me."

Namjoon softly rubs his back. Jimin nervously and slowly removes himself off him, scooting back a bit. Namjoon lifts his hands back up to his cheekbones to wipe the loose tears. Jimin couldn't help to giggle, moving his hands off him. Namjoon softly chuckles at his cuteness.


Namjoon messed with the tight bracelet on his wrist, waiting for his Hyung to call back from ending the call. He needed to talk to him about how he felt about Jimin. His family isn't so supportive. His Hyung is the only support. His phone finally rings, making him quickly snatch it and look at his phone. Finally because he is calling back.

Namjoon answers and puts it up to his ear. "Hyung?"

"I'm driving home now. You alright?" Yoongi spoke from the phone.

"Yeah, I just...I need to talk to someone." Namjoon started to mess with his shoelaces that weren't on his feet.

"Do you need me to come over or pick you up?"

"You can pick me up. I feel like it isn't such a big deal though. I just...I have no one else to talk to." He lies about the big deal part.

"Don't you have that Jimin friend now? Isn't he available?"

Namjoon gulps. "He's the person I actually want to talk about..."

"I'm on my way then to pick you up."

A few minutes ago, Namjoon had two pieces of clothing packed up and ready. He mentioned to his Hyung that he wanted to spend two nights. Namjoon also mentioned it to his parents...but he always got back talked for hanging out with Yoongi. Yoongi never changed Namjoon, but his parents think he did...

Once Namjoon arrives at Yoongi's place, he took off his shoes and got himself comfortable. He tidy up himself, taking off his jacket and such and sitting himself down on the couch. Yoongi was still in his uniform, slipping off his hat and sitting down on the couch with him.

"What's going on?" Yoongi asks.

"I'm...starting to have feelings for Jimin."

Yoongi blinks. "Jimin's a boy, right?" Namjoon looks at him, brows curled up and nodding. Yoongi puts his hat down on the coffee table and slicked his hair back, standing up and started to pace. "Shit..."

"I shouldn't have these feelings for a male, right?" Namjoon starts to fiddle with his bracelet again. "You-You've said that I really can't because of my family and people not accepting it."

"You can't tell shit to your parents, got that? They won't accept you for liking the same gen—"

"Hyung." Namjoon stands up, interrupting him. "Every time I bring something up about that, you get so defensive about it. Why do you keep doing that? Is it bad that I like a male?"


Namjoon knits his brows. "What? You can't be serious."

Yoongi curls his brows at his reaction. He closes his eyes and sighs. "You know what? I'm sorry. Just...do what your heart wants. I'm just...stressed with work. Someone pissed me off today."

Namjoon walks up to him. "Hyung. What is it that you aren't telling me? Why do you keep acting like this?"

"I don't have to tell you anything."

Namjoon puts his hand on his arm. "Tell me. Please."

Yoongi looks at him, brows slowly curling up. "It's a long story, Namjoon. I can't explain all of it. It's...too much already."

Namjoon grabs his arm with both hands and pulls him back to the couch, making both of them sit down. "Tell me everything. Don't even leave any details out."

Yoongi stares at him. "Namjoon..."

"Go on." Namjoon smiles small. "I'm ready."

Yoongi scoffs. "Fine. I'll tell you since you like stories."


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