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"Your Hyung knows RJ Jin? That-That's awesome!"

Namjoon nervously chuckles, walking up to Jimin and sitting down on the edge of the bed. "Well, it was before his fame actually. It's a whole story."

"Oh. Well, I hope they both find each other and work things out soon."

"Me too..." Namjoon frowns. "But he's everywhere. He's too famous. How could my Hyung even try and find him?"

"Let's just hope RJ Jin is finding your Hyung. It would be romantic if RJ Jin is actually looking for him..." Jimin smiles small, putting his hands up to his cheeks. "I can just imagine how relief RJ Jin would be~!"

Namjoon chuckles. "Same here. It would be so adorable. Them both reuniting like they lost each other..." His brows go into a curl, remembering how Yoongi looked when he was telling the story. "I...I don't know if he actually wants to see him again. He's been acting strange ever since he told me."

Jimin reaches over to softly place his hand on his. "Your Hyung may have told you his story, but it's not really your issue. Sure, you can help him, but...if he doesn't want to see RJ Jin, he doesn't have to."

Namjoon looks at him, sighing. "You're right. He's just been stressing out lately ever since he told me. And he knows I can't help him."

"And you're right." Jimin smiles small. "We can help him if he really needs it."

Namjoon blinks. "We?"

Jimin softly nods. "We."

Namjoon curls up a soft smile, gripping his hand from the old the smaller had. Jimin couldn't help to smile a little bigger, fluttering his eyes down and nervously moving his hair out of his eyes. Namjoon moved his hand away, gulping from how he started to feel. They've been holding hands so randomly. But it's comforting to the both of them.

Namjoon nervously clears his throat, getting up from sitting on the bed. "Um. Y-Your sister is cooking something. She knows I'm here too."

Jimin's smile dropped. "Sh-She does?"

Namjoon nods. "I didn't want her to wake you up..."

"Oh." Jimin moves the blanket off himself, slowly getting up from the bed. "Did she say what she's cooking?"

"No actually. Um..." Fuck. I want to confess to him so badly, but it seems too early and he just woke up!

"Do you want to stay longer? You can eat with us." Jimin softly asks, putting on his slippers.

I would love to. "Uh, do you...want me to? I mean, I don't know if I have plans or anything, so I'm able to stay..."

"Well, only if you want to. You don't have to stay." Jimin picks up his jacket from hanging up, slipping it on. Please stay. I want my sister to like you like I do.

"I'll stay then." Namjoon softly smiles. "For you."

Jimin bites the inside a cheek, blushing from his smile every single time. "Okay."


It was awkward.

Namjoon nervously eats what Sooyoung cooked for the three of them, Sooyoung hoping they both like it. They were all three at the dining table, Jimin couldn't help to mess with his food a little while he stared at it. Sooyoung nervously watched the two, hoping everything is well.

" did you sleep?" Sooyoung awkwardly asks her brother.

"I slept fine, Dongsaeng." Jimin looks at her. "Thanks to Namjoon that I did."

Namjoon nervously chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well...I uh, I wouldn't say that I helped..."

"To me, you did." Jimin looks at him, softly smiling. "And I appreciate you coming over so late...really."

Namjoon couldn't help to blush from the compliment, starting to eat again. Sooyoung liked how they had something sparking between each other. It seemed like Jimin wanted to confess, but he's afraid he doesn't feel the same way. But by the looks of Namjoon, he also wants to confess.

Namjoon's phone dings, making him reach in his pocket and take out his phone. "Shit—I mean, crap." Namjoon puts the fork down and gets up from the chair. "I-I have go back home." He faces Sooyoung and bows. "Thank you for the breakfast." He faces Jimin and softly bows. "Thank you for letting me stay, Jiminie."

Jimin nervously blushes and smiles, bowing his head to him. "Y-You're welcome..." He started to grow shy.

Namjoon smiles small and leaves the house, closing the door behind him. Sooyoung already informed Namjoon that she can put his dishes away. Jimin bites the inside of his cheek once he left, looking back down at his food. Sooyoung smiles, noticing Jimin grew a blush across his face. He could never hide his blush.

She puts her chopsticks down. "You like him, don't you?"

Jimin widen his eyes. "Wh-What? N-No! I-I don't like him... I-I like him as a friend!"

Sooyoung chuckles. "You can't hide your blush, Oppa. It's becoming more obvious lately."

Jimin immediately covered his face. "Ugh..."

Sooyoung chuckles again, getting up from her chair and takes Namjoon's dishes that he left. "It's okay. I've noticed you're not like that with Jeongguk, but with Namjoon."

"Dongsaeng, I-I can't have feelings for him!" Jimin frowns, moving his hands off his own face. "My-My illness is always going to be in the way and...and I'm awkward! I-I'm shy...I'm weird...I'm..."

"Into Namjoon?"

"Dongsaeng!" Jimin cries out.

"Oh come on!" She faces him from facing in the sink. "What makes him so special that makes you easily red? What are those little things he has done to make you all shy?"

"D-Did you forget!?" Jimin stands up from his chair. "He-He helped me when I was having that p-panic attack! He helped me calm down...he doesn't judge that I wear a mask...he-he never minded that I had an illness and...accepted me who I am... H...He also holds my hand for comfort..." Jimin curls his brows.

Sooyoung smiles. "It sounds like something, Oppa."

"L-Like what?" He looks at her.

"I think he's also into you."


"It's so obvious~" Sooyoung chuckles. "He's showing a lot of affection towards you! I mean, who holds your hand randomly? I know Jeongguk doesn't!"

Jimin whines and sits back down, putting his head on the table.


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