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Jimin is currently in the back of the car, Namjoon driving and Jeongguk in the back with him.

Jeongguk held onto him, keeping Jimin's arms across on his chest, hugging him from behind. Jeongguk told Namjoon the address, making sure he takes the right road. Jimin's mind is able to go to the level of insanity...due to the rabbit incident. Jeongguk never heard of the incident, but knows his mental issue can go crazy whenever.

"Breathe." Jeongguk softly says, rubbing his arms in comfort.

Namjoon felt horrible for being very clueless. Jimin grips his own shirt, having his eyes closed tight. He started to hear the whisper once again, having a shake from all of it. He tried his best to stay calm, but Tae is trying to effect him once again. Jeongguk just held him close, softly gripping his arm.

"Don't focus on it. Only focus on your breathing."

"I-I'm trying..." Jimin shakily whispers. "H...Hold tighter."

Jeongguk holds tighter. He lifts his head up away from Jimin's ear. "Namjoon, please hurry. He's shaking. It means a lot."

"I'm almost there, one more block to go." Namjoon replies, making a turn.

Once Namjoon made the turn, he drove straight down and stopped right at his house. Namjoon puts the car in park, taking off his seatbelt and getting out of the car. Jeongguk opens the door and carefully helps Jimin out of the car, holding onto him, so he doesn't stop and hold himself.

Namjoon tried to help, gabbing his keys for him and helping him get inside the house. Jeongguk leads Jimin to his bedroom, Namjoon following behind with a worried expression across his face. Jimin didn't care what they would see...he just wanted to focus and get help from it.

Jeongguk pushes the door open, leading Jimin right to his bed. "Alright, get comfortable and try your best to relax." He says as he takes off his shoes for him and takes off his own. "Where's your medicine?"

"I-In the bathroom...c-cabinet." Jimin shakily points where it's at, grabbing the blanket and snuggling himself in.

"Okay—Namjoon, please comfort him."

Namjoon nods, taking off his shoes too and sits himself down on the bed as Jeongguk left the bedroom and went straight to the bathroom. Namjoon decided to grab another blanket and carefully puts it around Jimin's shoulders, hoping he feels better soon. Jimin shakily reaches over to grab Namjoon's wrist, making him look at him.

"K-Keep this to yourself...please." Jimin shakily says.

"Yeah, of course. I promise." Namjoon softly says, grabbing his hand.

Jimin couldn't help to tear up, lowering his head down from embarrassment and the scars on his face is shown. Every scar on his face is shown to Namjoon...he couldn't hide it this time without his mask. He feels like he freaked Namjoon out again...but worse this time. He just quietly cries.

Namjoon scoots himself close to him, placing a soft hand on his shoulder. "Hey. It's alright."

"I-It's not..." Jimin cries. "I m-messed up again and-and I couldn't h-hold it in..."

"Jimin." Namjoon moves his hands up to softly cup his face, wiping his tears away. "It's okay."

Jimin stares at him, staring into his eyes. He saw kindness in Namjoon's eyes. Those dark chocolate brown eyes seems so clam to look into... Namjoon softly wipes his tears away again. Jimin flutters his eyes a bunch, looking behind Namjoon. He sees Tae, standing there with his arms crossed with an evil smirk.

"Aww~ What a sick puppy you are. Need a gentle guy to calm you down?"

Namjoon moves his head in his view. "Jimin-ah, look at me. I don't know what you see, but look at me instead."

"N-Namjoon, I-I can't." Jimin shakily whispers.

"You can."

"Oh please. Staring at him wont help! He's probably just as cruel as you are!" Tae laughs.

"I got your meds!" Jeongguk walks in, running into Tae which makes Tae fade into smoke. He held a pill and a water bottle, going right to him and sitting down on the edge of the bed. "Take your candy."

Namjoon moves away, letting Jimin take the pill and get himself a drink. Jeongguk looks at Namjoon. Namjoon seemed very worried, having a nervous shaky hand because he wanted to continue to comfort Jimin so badly. Jeongguk flutters his eyes back to Jimin, making sure he does take the pill.

"Th-Thank you guys..." Jimin whispers, shakily putting the water bottle down on his nightstand.

Jeongguk lifts his hand up to rub his arm. "How're you feeling now?"

"The same..."

"Always the same." Tae chuckles. "You'll never escape me, even if the medicine works, I'll still be here."

Jimin lowers his eyes. "I-I need to sleep..."

"Okay." Jeongguk gets off the bed, standing up. "I'll call Noona and your parents to let them know that you're home." Jimin nods, lowering down and getting comfortable. "Hey, Namjoon?"

Namjoon gets off the bed too. "Yeah?"

"We should talk." Jeongguk says to him, leaving the bedroom.

Namjoon curls his brows and looks at Jimin. Jimin was still shaking... Namjoon lowers his eyes. "I'll stay if you want me to, Jimin." Namjoon softly says. "Even if I don't know anything, I'll stay."

Jimin's tears couldn't help to fall, quickly wiping them away. Namjoon walks out of the bedroom, following Jeongguk that went downstairs in the living room. Jeongguk was currently messing with his hands, standing in front of the couch while waiting for Namjoon to come downstairs.

"What's up?" Namjoon spoke.

"I know you're trying to figure out what's going on with Jimin...aren't you?"

Namjoon rubs the back of his neck. "Yeah..."

Jeongguk sighs. "Jimin has schizophrenia. He uh, he sees certain things that we aren't able to see and sometimes...he acts it out. All...All of those scars he has is mainly self harm, but...I'm not so sure. Really. His sister and his parents are the ones to answer everything if you have questions."

Namjoon flutters his eyes a bunch, sitting himself down on the chair that's near. "That's why he always wants to wear the mask..." And that he's ashamed of himself. He frowns.

"Yeah... His medication has been wonky a lot it doesn't get easy for him." Jeongguk says. "It takes a lot of energy out of him. I'm glad you know now because...he needs another person. It can't be just me and his family."

Namjoon looks at him. "Thank you for telling me."


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