Wolves Reunite

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Name: Celine Kryze
Title: Mand'alor
Age: 24
Height: 5'8
Weight: 130lbs
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Dark Ocean Blue

Two days later
Celine's pov
I hugged my ears as the screams of the babies filled the cabin. "Why are they screaming?" I shouted. "I don't know," Padme shouted back. "I'm just going to use the force on them," Anakin grumbled. I shot out of my seat and draped Leia from him. "You can't use the force on a baby Anakin." I sighed as I held Leia in my arms as she continued to scream loudly. I walked out to the back of the ship and used the force to create bright yellow lighting. Leia's cries immediately silenced as she watched the lighting dance around my fingers. I smiled down at her as her large curious brown orbs studied the yellow beams of energy.

"How did you?" Anakin trailed on as he watched the lighting jump around in my hand. "You can create lighting?" He exclaimed in a whisper. "Yes, I've been able to do it since the citadel," I whispered back. "Why didn't you tell me?!" Anakin snapped in a hushed tone. "Because it is an illegal move and I felt like I was already pushing it with my husband," I replied.

"Wait you are married," Padme commented. "Yeah don't worry I found out like two weeks ago." Anakin ranted. Once Luke spotted the sparkling lighting in my hand, he immediately quieted down. Padme set him down beside Leia and they watched in wonder. Just then my com buzzed signally someone was trying to reach me.

"Anakin can you answer that for me and then hand me the com?" I requested. "Sure thing." Anakin nodded as he answered the com and sat it down beside me.

I watched the holograph of my aunt appear and I cleared my throat. I could tell from the look on her face that something was up. "What happened?" I asked flatly. Bo Katan let out a sigh and placed her hands on her hips. "The Kaminoans want to make a deal involving the clone army." She proclaimed. "Hmm did they specify what the deal included?" I furrowed.

"No they didn't, but I think it is promising." Bo Katan offered. "Very well, where is the meeting?" I inquired. "It is on Carlac. We will meet you there and be there to guard you." Bo Katan affirmed. "Very well I look forward to seeing you again." I nodded. My aunt smiled at me and nodded her head. "I as well."

"Well bundle up, it's about to get real cold."

Time skip
We landed on Carlac and immediately I was met by the harsh cold wind. "Well, this is freezing," Anakin grumbled. "I warned ya," I replied. "Greetings Mand'alor, we have the Kaminoans waiting." Bo nodded. I saw the makeshift camp in the distance and I let out a sigh. An uncomfortable silence overcame the two of us as a sense of discomfort crept through my aunt.

I cleared my throat into my hand and looked at her. "Is something nothing you Aunt Bo," I inquired with a raised brow? "Oh no, I'm good." She replied in discomfort. I raised my brow at her and gave her a doubtful look. "Okay okay so maybe I do have a problem, but that's because you look and sound exactly how my sister looked at your age. And we are barely a year apart. So hearing you call me aunt is a bit strange for me." Bo Katan reasoned.

"I see, well would you like to maybe do a different type of relationship?" I inquired. "Yeah, I was wondering if you could just call me Bo Katan." She replied. I smiled at her and nodded my head in agreement. "Yeah, that is fine with me Bo." I beamed.

Bo Katan smirked at me and nodded her head. "We should go on missions together." She stated. "Yeah, that would be nice." I nodded. "I could use some help with determining who should be the Prime Minister." I offered. "Definitely not Almec, he is a traitor and criminal." She growled out.

"You can say that again," I grumbled quietly as I walked up to the camp. I immediately spotted the familiar armor of clone troopers. "Why are there Clone Troopers here?" I whispered as I glared at the men who watched me. "I don't know." She whispered back. "Where are Anakin and Padme?" I questioned quietly. "Back at the ship, why do you ask?" She furrowed.

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