Morning on Kalevala

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Name: Celine Kryze
Title: Mand'alor
Homeworld: Kalevala
Age: 24
Height: 5'8
Weight: 131lbs
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Dark Ocean Blue

Hunter's pov
I felt a gentle warmth pelt down upon me, a soft enveloping surface below me. I felt a quiet groan pass through my lips as I pushed myself up. I rested my head in my hand as I rubbed my nose. I opened my eyes and saw crystal-clean white sheets on top of me. I looked up and saw a large light blue room with a wall-sized window, with white curtains hanging at the window's sides. I swung my feet over the side of the bed and walked up to the massive window. Below the window sat a large courtyard with a carefully crafted water fountain and beyond the courtyard stood a massive forest with orange, brown, red, and yellow leaves dancing in the wind. Then I heard a loud laugh coming down the hall, followed by a joyous feminine laugh I had only heard in my dreams for the past four months. I walked over to the door and followed the happy voices chatting below. I crept down the stone steps and continued towards the voices. "Hahaha look I did it." Omega laughed out. "Haha yes, you did." Celine's soft voice beamed. I arrived at the last turn before the kitchen and closed my eyes. Without even opening my eyes I saw Celine's immense, warm, gentle, loving smile. I let out my deep breath and rounded the corner. I saw Celine and Omega busy mixing some reddish, brown substance as they poured it into a molding pan. And sure enough, Celine had her iconic wide, warm, gentle, loving smile on her lips. "Now we put it in the nano-wave cooker for 45 minutes at 370." Celine instructed. "Can I help?" Omega asked. "Of course, now whenever we work with a nano-wave cooker we use these cooking mittens. They keep the heat from touching your skin and burning it, which is very painful." Celine proclaimed as Tech, Crosshair, Wrecker, and Echo arrived. I held my finger up at my mouth, telling them to be quiet. She slipped the far too large mittens onto her hands. "Why are they so big?" Omega inquired. "So they can fit into all hands." Celine nodded as she handed the circular pan to Omega. Omega slipped it into the cooker and then she shut the door. "Okay, now we come up here, and put in the numbers 370 and the alarm for 45." Celine nodded with a soft grin as she held Omega up. Omega put it into the oven and looked back at Celine with a wide grin. "I did it." She pronounced. "Yes you did, good job." Celine beamed as she held out her hand. Omega quickly high-fived it. Suddenly a woman in civics hurried in. "Your grace, Prime Minister Lama Su and Doctor Nala Se have arrived and are requesting an audience with you." The woman informed causing a frown to form on Celine's lips. "Hm very well, send them to the meeting room and summon Lady Bo Katan and my father. This will be an interesting conversation." Celine nodded. "Yes your grace." The woman bowed and hurried away. Celine turned to the now fearful Omega. "What's going to happen to you?" Omega asked worriedly. "Oh nothing, they just want to handle the situation on Kamino swiftly." Celine waved off. "But what's going to happen to Hunter, Crosshair, and the rest of us? What's going to happen to me?" Omega pushed. Celine let out a deep breath and knelt to Omega. "Well, how do you see Hunter?" She asked. "He's like a father I guess why?" Omega interrogated. "Because that gives you diplomatic immunity." Celine stated. "How?" "Well because Hunter is your father that would substantially make me one of your caretakers, therefore making you an heir. The Kaminoans cannot take an heir of Mandalore without causing war. The others have already gotten their Mandalorian citizenship and so have you." Celine nodded causing Omega's deep brown eyes to widen. "You are safe here Omega, I promise you." Celine nodded. "Ha and Blondy never break her promises!" Wrecker laughed out. Celine and Omega looked at our spy group and smiled. "WRECKER!" Omega shouted as she rushed at Wrecker. "Haha hey, Megs!" Wrecker boomed as he hosted Omega onto his shoulder. Celine smiled as she stood up. "Well good morning or I should say good afternoon." Celine smirked as she glided over to us. Her light blue skirt trailed behind her and the gold details on the dress sparkled in the light making her look like a goddess. Her delicate hand trailed up to my chin as she kissed my lips softly. "Did you sleep well?" Celine asked once she had pulled away. "Yes, I believe the sleep was satisfactory." Tech nodded. "Tech is being over-judgmental. The sleep was great." Echo nodded. "Good, I wish I could see you all more, but I have to attend to some business involving Kamino's prime minister." She nodded as she began to walk away backward. "Hey be safe." I warned. "Oh, I will." She smiled. As she began to walk away I heard the unmistakable sound of another heartbeat. I furrowed my brows and mentally counted every possible heartbeat, but I still came upon one extra heartbeat. "Is everything okay?" Echo asked. "Yeah, everything is fine." I replied as I listen to both Celine's heartbeat and the mystery one.

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