The Rise of the Mand'alor

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Name: Celine Kryze
Title: Princess
Age: 24
Height: 5'8
Weight: 125lbs
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Dark Ocean Blue

Celine's pov
I watched in amazement as the whirling colors of space flew past us in wonder. I turned my chair around to face the cabin and saw Anakin sleeping soundlessly on the rack. I smiled after he remembered the times when my life wasn't a shit show. When Anakin was a little kid who was so scared I would leave, he would grip onto me as I slept. His long brown locks fell in front of his eyes and moved up and down as his breathing continued. I swiveled my chair and turned back to the viewport. I closed my eyes and thought of Ahsoka. I tried to reach her force presence, but it seemed as if something was blocking me from reaching it. I felt frustration and fury within, but then I looked down at my com resting on my belt. I pulled it up to my face as I leaned back in my chair. I entered Ahsoka's com number and watched as my com tried to reach her. It buzzed for a few moments until it read connection was not complete. I frowned in defeat as I held the comlink in my hand. I placed the com back and looked back at the hyperspace lane. I released a sigh as I watched Mandalore creep closer on our starmap as we moved ever closer to the system. I felt my eyes drool as exhaustion pulled at me. I crossed my arms and felt as my head lowered to my chin.

I awoke to the sound of the ship's com system buzzing. I quickly scrambled to answer it. "Star cruiser this is Mandalorian Star fighter requesting identification." A Mandalorian voice proclaimed. I heard Anakin walk up to the cockpit and felt him lean up against my chair. "This is Celine Kryze of clan Kryze," I spoke into the com.

Anakin and I listened as silence overcame the cabin causing anxiety to consume us. "Celine what if they try to kill us?" Anakin whispered. "Then we'll be fine because I'm an expert pilot," I replied in a whisper. "And why are we whispering?" I snapped in a hushed tone.

"Welcome Home Princess Celine Kryze." The voice proclaimed after a moment. We released a deep sigh after hearing those words and headed down to the surface of the desert planet.

I gracefully landed the planet onto the landing pad and saw a familiar red-haired figure waiting for us on the platform. I kept my helmet at my hip as I began to walk out of the ship.

"Well, I certainly didn't expect to see your face here." Bo Katan proclaimed as she walked up to me with her hand held out. I took her hand and shook it firmly. "Yes well, I am sure you are aware of how crazy the galaxy has gotten." I nodded.

Anakin walked out of the ship and to us. "Oh Anakin, this is my...aunt Bo-Katan." I introduced myself with pressed lips. "We've met." Anakin nodded.

"Yes, we have, come on. There is business we have to discuss." Bo Katan nodded.

Time skip
The double doors of the palace opened and I gapped at the room. What was once just shadows and shades of grey was now colored. The room was lit by large viewports and stunning crystal chandeliers. I spun around as I took in every angle of the room where my mother once sat. "It's amazing isn't it?" Bo Katan asked. I saw a large stained viewport portrait of my mother. I saw her deep blue eyes and bright golden hair.

"You look like her." Bo Katan admitted quietly. I turned around to face her and when I did I was met with the face of a beaten warrior. A face I had seen every day in the privy. I looked back at the painting and titled my head. "Do I?" I asked doubtfully. "Definitely, I think the only thing you got from Kenobi is your attitude." Bo Katan admitted with a smirk. I laughed slightly as I placed my hands on my hips.

Silence swept over the room as we both looked up at the painting. I felt a sinking longing feeling in my chest, I sniffled to clear up my nose from the sting which had begun to attack it. "I miss her," I admitted sadly. Bo Katan's bright green eyes looked at me with a mournful look. "Even though we didn't see eye to eye and I tried to overthrow her. I never wanted her dead." Bo Katan admitted as she looked down at her hands. "You joined a terrorist organization dead set against her rule," I whispered with tears in my eyes.

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