Left Behind

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Name: Celine Kryze
Rank: Jedi Knight
Age: 19
Height: 5'8
Weight: 72lbs
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Formerly Dark Ocean Blue

Celine's pov
I felt warmth as well as the presence of Fives. I moved slightly and felt the Arch Trooper stop in his tracks. "Celine?" He whispered. I let a quiet groan escape my lips as a response, but instead, a weak whimper sounded from my lips. "Let me check out your injured side alright," Fives asked kindly. I nodded my head, but I couldn't stop the ear-piercing scream and my head became fuzzy again.

"I know I'm sorry." Fives apologized, but then he saw the green and yellow slashes. "Blasted Krate dragon how are you still breathing?" Fives breathed out. "Ughh Rex?" He called out the Captain to walk over and peered down at the trooper. "What is it Fives?" Rex inquired. "I just thought you should know that General Kryze has infected wounds on her back," Fives informed as he gestured to the inflamed wounds. "Geez," Rex muttered as he touched a crusty green scab. Suddenly the wound burst open and the green puss streamed down the reddened back. "Ahh," Rex grumbled as he shook his hand in disgust. "Sorry...Rex." Celine's shaky and quiet voice stumbled. "That's alright General you just focus on feeling better." Rex nodded with an unseen smile.  Celine nodded her head and pinched her eyes shut. "Watch her okay." Rex nodded towards Cody. "Wasn't planning on leaving," Cody replied. Both Fives and Rex both walked up to the Four Jedi with grime faces underneath their helmets. "Generals Kryze is not doing too well," Rex announced. "I told you we should have left her. She is only going to slow us down." Tarkin snapped. "I'm afraid my captain may be right." Piell agreed with a downward expression. Fives slowly turned his head and even the non-force users could sense his rage.
"The Jedi Order may be willing to leave behind their own." Fives began as he stared furiously at Tarkin. "But we clones don't leave behind our Vods." Fives finished. "You had no problem leaving behind your other so-called brother." Tarkin snarled. Silence immediately swept over the group and the four Jedi could feel anger pouring out every trooper within earshot. "I suggest we get moving before anyone gets murdered." Rex interrupted. Fives whipped around and walked back to the fallen Jedi. "You must admit General I have a valid point. The Jedi will only slow our chances of survival." Tarkin pushed. "Only only one slowing us down is you." Fives retorted as they led the other clones away from the group. The four Jedi looked at Tarkin and then walked away. "Jedi." He grumbled quietly. Fives looked down at his pale vod in his arms. "She'll be alright Fives." Anakin affirmed. Fives nodded his head as they continued forward. "We have droids inbound." Cody warned. "Well, then we better be going." Obi-Wan nodded as he began to run. The others quickly followed suit until they arrived at a cliffside. Where a spider droid crept off of the walls. Suddenly blaster fire flew past them as more droids appeared. "They are blocking us in." Ahsoka stated. Fives quickly whipped out his blaster and fired at the squad of droids. "Lock in your cables!" Anakin ordered. "R2, we need your droids to hold off the enemy as long as possible." Anakin requested. R2 released various amounts of whirls. "Good." Anakin nodded. "EVERYBODY FOLLOW ME!" He showed. "This is sheer madness." Tarkin proclaimed as he climbed onto Anakin's back. "Fives get down there." Rex ordered. Fives climbed down and followed the others to another cave. The group traversed through the hot and dark cave silently. Until they emerge beside a lava river. "What if your Jedi friends are not here when we arrive? Tarkin asked rudely. "Keep moving and you won't worry about that, Tarkin." Piell snarled. Ahsoka glared at the captain and then rolled her eyes behind his back. "Why did Master Piell have to share half the intel with that guy?" Ahsoka grumbled quietly. "It's like he's not even grateful we rescued him or he even cares about anyone other than himself." Ahsoka added. "Captain Tarkin feels the Jedi should be....relieved from the burden of leading the war effort." Anakin excused. "That's ridiculous." Ahsoka muttered. "Maybe, but we aren't soldiers. We're peacekeepers. The Jedi Code often prevents us from going far enough to achieve victory." Her master reasoned. "A rather simple point of view." Obi-Wan butted in. "Either way, he is a good captain." Anakin replied. Suddenly a loud howl echoed throughout the air, catching the attention of every in the group. "Did you hear that?" Ahsoka asked the question. "Yes, we're going to have company." Master Piell drawled. The group pushed forward and continued towards the island. "You know, it's not wise to argue with Master Piell." Anakin suggested to the Captain between him and his Padawan. "It's certainly not a good career move." "General Skywalker I stand by my principles, no matter what. Besides I needn't worry about my career. I've fallen into favor with the Chancellor. He shall support me." Tarkin puffed. "Oh? I happen to know the Chancellor quite well, myself." Anakin challenged. "Oh really?" Tarkin furrowed. "Really." Anakin finished. "Let's keep moving. If we're not at the rendezvous at the exact time, we'll miss our window." Obi-Wan announced as he lead the group. Piercing through the air once more hallowed the cry of the Anoobas. "If they've caught our scent, They'll lead the droids right to us." Master Piell stated flatly.  "We're gonna have to deal with them." Anakin pronounced. "What about using this cave to surprise them?" Ahsoka offered. "If we can get them to pass by, we can attack them from behind, but we need a distraction" Piell concluded. "Leave that to me." Anakin growled. Then Obi-Wan cleared his throat. "And Obi-Wan, of course." Anakin added. "Okay, the rest of you follow me." Master Piell agreed before he went deeper into the cave. Soon the Anoobas passed the team hiding in the caves and went for Obi-Wan, Anakin, and R2. Spider droids attacked the group running into the caves. However, Master Piell swooped in quickly and destroyed a droid. "Keep going, Ahsoka and I will take care of the droids." He ordered. Fives hurried away with the others ever closer to the rendezvous. Droids flew in towards the group as they fought for their lives. The dangerous growl of the tracking creature snarled throughout the battlefield. Soon the last of the droids and creatures were disposed of without any apparent losses. "So much for the hunting party." Cody shrugged. "There are more squads on their way." Tarkin informed. Anakin walked over to fives and looked down at his now unconscious older sister. "How are she Fives?" Anakin asked as he bent down. "Not good sir, she is breathing rapid although she isn't doing any physical activity and she is sweating even though she is colder than the surface of Hoth." Fives said with concern lacing his voice. Anakin nodded as he noticed just how much paler she had gotten. "Alright Fives, try to make her as comfortable on this track as possible. I'll see what I can do for medical supplies." Anakin nodded and then he spotted Ahsoka carrying the shorter Jedi on her shoulder. He and Obi-Wan dashed towards the girl. Ahsoka set down the fallen Jedi in front of her master. "He died honorably." Ahsoka stated with remorse ever so evident in her voice. "And what of the information?" Anakin asked. "I have it. He told me just before he died." She admitted. Everyone looked at one another and they knew what they had to do. "We don't have much time. Let's take this time to honor him, then we must move on." Obi-Wan spoke stoically. "He would have wanted us to complete our mission." Obi-Wan admitted sadly. As he and Anakin lifted the body into the lava river. Fives looked down at the struggling Jedi and held her closer. They arrived at the shore in front of the island. "There is the extraction point." Obi-Wan announced as he pointed toward the barren island. Cody and Anakin launched their grappling hooks to the island. They stuck into the rock and Rex and Tarkin immediately began to cross. They climbed across the fiery river. "Incoming." Rex warned as Sobeck neared the retreating group. "Time to go Fives." Anakin exclaimed as he force tossed the trooper to the other side. Fives set Celine down by a shelter made of rocks and shot down the warden. "If I can't have the information, it will die with you." Sobeck snarled as he lifted Captain Tarkin. Suddenly Tarkin felt his limps lift and the warden freeze. Sobeck flew into the lava and Tarkin was dropped gently to the group. Confusion spread across the group until they looked straight behind Tarkin. With all of her weight relying on her left arm, Jedi Knight Celine Kryze held her hand out, revealing she was the one to save the mission. Celine's arm suddenly gave out and her bruised face smacked into the molted rock. "Ohh." The four leaders grimaced. Anakin. Fives rushed over to the fading Jedi and picked her up. "Always have to be the hero ay."Fives joked. Celine smiled weakly followed by a harsh cough. Blood began to trickle down her lips once more and Fives winced at the new development. Suddenly the sound of engines whirled as the ship glided into the position above the battlefield. "Hang on Celine okay, help is here." Fives said as he gently scooped her into his arms. Her breaths became more rigid as she sucked in quicks, shallow breaths. She leaned into Fives's chest as she trembled slightly in his arms. Fives lifted her hood above her head and held her tighter. "I believe you've worn out your welcome." Plo Koon stated urging the group into the ship. Fives hopped onto the ship with Rex at his heels. He sat Celine down on the ground against the wall of the ship. Soon everyone was on the ship and they took off. "Alright, do you have any medical supplies?" Obi-Wan asked as all the attention turned to the unwell Jedi. Suddenly a violent cough shuttered throughout the woman's chest and blood immediately spewed from her lips. "Oh shit, oh shit." Fives rambled nervously as he supported the Jedi who laid in his arms, throwing up stomach bio and blood. "Who is?" Plo Koon began. However, he was interrupted by an exasperated groan as Celine regained control of her stomach. Fives pushed her back making the hood fall off of her head exposing the blindfolded face. Plo Koon looked confused, and worried, and then looked even closer at the female. "It's okay Vod, we are on a gunship heading back to the Triumphant." Fives comforted. A feeling of dread overcame the Jedi Master as he looked closer at the woman. Through her sunken cheeks, bloodied hair busted lips, and bandaged eyes he recognized her as his ad, his daughter. "Celine?" He asked in disbelief as he neared his fallen apprentice. Her head lifted slightly from its limp position. Wolffe stumbled back in shock as it became apparent what had happened to their sibling. Comet and Boost looked at each other with wide eyes beneath their helmets. Celine reach out a shaky hand as she searched for her father. Plo Koon stepped toward the small Jedi as he offered her hand. The smaller feminine hand slowly touched the fingertips of her master. A quiet gasp could be heard from the injured Jedi. "Master?" She asked in a quiet, hoarse voice. The Jedi Master barely heard his apprentice's voice but knew immediately what she needed. He walked closer to her and knelt at her level. She released a quiet sob as her master sat beside her. The larger Jedi scooped her up in his arms and pulled her into his embrace. Tears streamed down from her clothed eyes as she leaned into Plo's embrace. The usually calm Council Master wrapped his arms around his beloved Padawan. Tears collected in his eyes as he held the weeping Jedi. Wolffe looked at Boost and Comet with an apologetic stance. However, the two brothers were far from letting the older one off the hook. They walked away from Wolffe and towards their two Generals. The three remaining Jedi could only watch as the two reunited. Soon the injured Jedi fell asleep, whether she fell asleep or she passed out. It didn't matter to Plo Koon for he had his Ad back. The Kel Dor rested his hand on her head, shielding her away from the rest of the ship. "We are nearing the Triumphant." The voice of Warthog spoke over the intercom. "I will get Celine to the medbay immediately." Plo Koon announced to the others. The ship landed on the landing strip within the Triumphant and immediately dashed away. "Do you think Master Kryze will be alright?" Ahsoka asked worriedly. "I don't know Snips." Anakin admitted.

Time skip
Anakin paced around the steel room nervously as they waited for Celine to be out of surgery. "Anakin pacing around will not help Celine's condition." Obi-Wan commented. "Perhaps you meditate to take your mind off of the situation." Obi-Wan suggested. "I'm NOT going to meditate while my friend is struggling to stay alive." Anakin argued. Master Plo sat silently staring at the door as he thought of his daughter's suffering. "Master Plo are you alright?" Ahsoka asked as she looked intently at the Jedi Master. The council member straightened and looked at the Togruta. The Kel Dor looked at the three force wielders and sighed. "The council didn't even try to look for her." Plo admitted sadly. "We tried to get the council to look." Obi-Wan offered.  "And we went against the council's orders and looked for her." Anakin offered. Just then the AZ surgical assistance droid entered the room. "Jedi Knight Celine Kryze is out of surgery, but her condition is far from stable." The AZ droid concluded. "Any idea what injuries she withstood?" Obi-Wan inquired. "General Kryze has a broken collar bone, four broken ribs, a punctured right lung, and due to the damage done to both eyes her vision is completely lost." The AZ unit stated. The four Jedi looked at each other sadly. "So she's blind." Ahsoka exclaimed. "Indeed, also due to severe malnutrition her organs are failing." The droid announced. Plo Koon stood up silently and walked into the medbay. His eyes immediately fell upon the unconscious Jedi. The white blankets laying across her chest made her appear even paler. Her chest rose and fell slowly as the nasal cannula forced oxygen into her lungs. Her hand lay lazily on the bed. Master Plo gently scooped her small hand up and held it between his larger ones. "Please stay with us little one." Plo whispered. He lowered his head as he focus on breathing. "What is she going to do?" Ahsoka questioned. "She'll learn how to fight without her sight." Anakin said determinedly with his arms crossed. "Anakin you forget, she may not want to fight anymore." Obi-Wan reminded. Anakin's arms fell to his side as he stared in shock at his friend. "She left on that rock for over a month. She may be a Jedi, but that doesn't stop physiological damage from being done. Especially since she was left behind on Cato Neimoidia." Obi-Wan explained. Anakin pulled out one of her dual sabers from his belt and stared into the dusty silver metal. His face contorted in anger and then he stormed away. Obi-Wan sighed and looked back through the window at the pair. "Someone should probably tell Fives her condition. He would want to know." Ahsoka nodded as she walked away. Once the Padawan left the observation room the stoic clone trooper walked into the room. "How is she General?" Wolffe asked as he placed his hands behind his back. "Not well Wolffe." General Kenobi replied. "What do you mean, she's here receiving medical attention?" Wolffe said as his calm composition fell. "Yes, but because of the damages done to her organs she is dying." Obi-Wan reasoned. At that moment the medical monitors went haywire and she fell still. Plo Koon stepped back as the surgical droid and healer droid rushed into the room. They yanked out the defibrillator paddles and slammed the bed down. The healer droid placed the paddles onto her chest and shock electrical shots through her body. Wolffe watched in horror as her body jolted. "Come on Celine." Wolffe whispered. Just as the words fell out of his mouth the monitors leveled out. The two men watched as the Jedi Knights' eyes opened and her head turned to face her Master's face. Her deep blue orbs shined underneath the cloudy cover of cataracts "Buir?" Her shaky, weak voice asked. "Ni cuy' olar ad'ika." Plo comforted. Her face twisted into pain and released a groan of pain as tears leaked from her eyes. The Dor Kel's hand went up to her face and gently whipped off her tears. "Gar laser udes jii." Plo promised. The blind Jedi relaxed against the comforting pillow and fell asleep. Plo ran his thumb over her thin cheek and stood up. Wolffe felt guilt eating his insides as he turned away to go see his brothers outside. "How is she?" Comet asked worriedly. Wolffe pulled off his helmet and looked sadly into their eyes. "It's not good, she's got more broken bones than I care to count, her organs are failing and she's....blind." Wolffe admitted. Anger flashed across the usually caring trooper and he sent a harsh glare at the commander in front of him. "They did that to her?" Boost asked in disbelief. "Yes and because she lost so much body mass, she looked like a skeleton." Wolffe added. "We did this to her." Boost frowned. "No we didn't, the separatist did. They are the ones who tortured her, they are the ones who gave her no food, and they are the ones who broke her bones." Wolffe argued. "You were the one who left her." Comet glared. "I was following orders." Wolffe countered. "Just because an order is given doesn't mean it's the right thing to do." Comet growled as he turned away from Commander Wolffe. The other troopers turned away leaving the Clone Commander to rethink his decision.

Mando'a translation
Buir= father
Ni cuy' olar ad'ika= I am here little one
Gar laser udes jii= you can rest now

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