Meeting on Pantora

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Name: Celine Kryze
Title: Mand'alor
Age: 24
Height: 5'8
Weight: 128lbs
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Dark Ocean Blue

Celine's pov
I emerged from the ship and looked around the docking bay. Across the bay sat an Omicron-class attack shuttle with a small figure in red and white armor working on its side. I felt nervous as I thought the figure was a clone trooper, but those worries immediately sank upon seeing the figure's face. The figure had black and orange goggles resting on his nose. His face was slim and quick frankly it seemed like his hair could use a different cut. I watched carefully as the figure walked back into his ship and turned my back to the ship.

"Ready to go?" Anakin asked as he emerged from the ship. "Yeah, but remember to keep your helmet on. "You are still labeled as a traitor," I whispered. "Which makes no sense because I'm not the one who killed all the Jedi," Anakin grumbled angrily. "Right, but just keep quiet about your feelings towards the whole order and Jedi so this meeting will go according to plan. This is my first diplomatic mission as Mand'alor of Mandalore and I cannot handle a Kark up." I urged as Anakin and I walked through the busy crowd into the street.

"Why isn't there any security?" Anakin grumbled with clear frustration. "The Chairman doesn't want this to be an official meeting because it would be considered Treason for him to speak to us. So he wants to meet in an undisclosed location." I reasoned.

"So we don't know where in the Bogan we are going?" Anakin stated flatly. "No, I have a tracker on the location," I replied as I looked around the grumpy streets. I saw street vendors and parents busy with their children. Then I noticed a repulsive stench in the air.

"Ugh what is that smell?" I proclaimed in disgust as I waved my hand desperately in front of my face. "What are you talking about? I don't smell anything." Anakin said with skepticism. "How do you not smell that?" I gagged. Suddenly someone slammed into me. I stumbled forward as the small blonde-haired girl ran ahead. Then a woman in black and orange chased after her. "GET AWAY FROM ME!" The girl shouted desperately in fear.

I immediately knew what I had to do. I hurried after the woman and began to chase them down. "So much are desecrate!" Anakin shouted as he hurried up to me. "I'm not going to let some girl get taken!" I snapped. I began to use the force to propel my legs after her. I quickly passed the woman and just as I began to pass the girl I scooped her up into my arms. I rushed into a crowd and jumped into an alleyway. I slid on my butt to a corner on an intersection and quickly rolled into the protection of the passageway. I covered the girl's mouth with my gloved hand and kept my mouth shut. I watched the woman rush past us and then Anakin hurry after her shortly. I lowered my hand and got to my knees. The girl had tears rolling down her tan cheeks from her innocent Eopie-like brown eyes. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked in worry.

Her brown tear-filled eyes looked up at me and immediately she threw herself into my arms. "Thank you." She wept out in a strange accent. I remained stiff for a moment until I let out a sigh. I wrapped my arms around the girl and rubbed her back comfortingly like my mother used to. I felt the girl relax into me as she let out a deep sigh. "It's okay I promise. Unless of course, that was your mom then I'm in trouble." I shrugged. "Oh no, I don't have a mom." She replied as she whipped her eyes.

A frown spread across my face and I gently placed my hand on my shoulder. "I'm so sorry." I apologized. She gave me a shrug and looked intently at me. "Who are you with?" I asked. "Um traveling with my brothers." She answered. I nodded my head and released a breath. "Alright then let's go find your brothers and get you home," I affirmed as I offered my hand. She gave me a suspicious look as she crossed her arms and raised her brow. "The last stranger I went with tried to kidnap me. How do I know you won't try to kidnap me." She stated flatly. I smirked at the girl as I pulled off my helmet. "Smart thinking there kid, I like to go by Lena." I introduced myself as I offered my hand. A little bit of relief flooded over her and she took my hand. "My name is Omega." She greeted. "Well, Omega I am glad we collided with each other." I smiled.

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