"Do you mean it?"

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Name: Celine Kryze
Rank: Jedi Master
Age: 20
Height: 5'8
Weight: 125lbs
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Formerly Dark Ocean Blue

Over the last two months, Jedi Commander and Clone Force 99 have traveled across the Galaxy defeating their enemies in the name of the Galactic Republic. The relationship between the clone troopers and Jedi has become tight under the pressure of war. Celine and Hunter have gotten closer than ever and even though it is forbidden Celine feels attached to the Sargent. The question is does the Sargent feel the same way.

Time skip two weeks
Third Person pov
Wrecker held tightly onto his demo buddy as they slept peacefully. Crosshair smirked at the sight as he polished his Firepuncher. "Look at that." Crosshair whispered as he nudged Hunter. "You know I think Celine's been having nightmares or something," Hunter whispered to his brother. Crosshair looked at him with a raised brow and crossed his arms. "And what would a Jedi have to be afraid of?" Crosshair glared. I shrugged and looked back at the two. I noticed how Celine's breaths were slightly labored and she seemed to be sweating. "Hey Tech, can you check on Celine. Something is off." I requested. Crosshair looked at me sideways, Tech walked in from the cockpit and placed a thermometer onto the Jedi Commander's forehead. "Hmm, 100.2 degrees." He furrowed. "That is high." He stated. "And what does that mean?" I questioned. "It means you were correct something is off and that is because Celine is sick," Tech replied. "How did that happen?" I pushed. "Most likely she caught a virus from our last mission on Malastare." Tech shrugged off. "Well is she okay?" Crosshair questioned flatly. "Most likely, but we will need to monitor it." Tech nodded firmly.

Time skip
The two troopers talked nonchalantly when Wrecker walked over with a now shivering, sweating, and pale Jedi. "I think I broke Celine." Wrecker frowned. Hunter immediately shot up at the mention of the Jedi and looked at her. Celine's eyes were pasted shut by her gluey tears, her face was pressed into a pained expression as her chest moved slowly. "No Wrecker you didn't break Celine." Hunter frowned as he went over and took Celine from his little brother's arms. Celine groaned out in pain, the Sargent leaned down and kissed her forehead. "It's okay Celine. We are going to make sure you recover from this. Then you and Wrecker can go blow something up." Hunter assured as he walked over to place the weakened Jedi onto his cot. "Tech what should I do?" Hunter shouted. "Well, I suggest taking off her armor and lowering her body temperature," Tech stated. He nodded his head and pulled her into a sitting position. "Hey Celine, I'm going to go ahead and take off some of your armor," Hunter whispered. Celine nodded her head wordlessly as her eyes slightly peeled open.

Hunter's pov
I watched as Celine's eye opened ever so slightly regaling a small sliver of her white orbs. "There you go." I encouraged. Crosshair handed me the cooling pack. I pressed it to her forehead and noticed how Celine's However she seemed to be focusing on staying awake. Her chest began to move quickly and her body began to shake. "Celine?" I asked as worry began to creep in. I barely touched her when she flew back slamming her back into the wall behind her. Tears streamed down her pale cheeks as she stared straight ahead. "Celine, what's wrong?" I pushed. "No." She replied hoarsely in a quiet and broken tone. "Celine it's okay," I assured. She lifted her hands to her ears and covered them in an attempt to block me out. Wrecker bounded over and grabbed Lulu. "Here try Lulu, she always helps me when I can't breathe." Wrecker offered as he referred to his panic attacks. I moved the plush to Celine's bare hand. She paused as the soft fabric touched her hand. "It's okay," I assured. "You are here on the Marauder." I soothed. Celine's breaths began to slow down and become less frantic. "What happened?" I asked worriedly. With wide and fearful eyes she stared blankly at the wall behind me. "The...Citadel." She croaked out in a shaking, timid, and fearful voice. Tech hurried over at our squadmate's confesses. "The Citadel, but that is a prison to hold Jedi. Why wou...." Tech trailed on as he put two and two together. "Let's leave the two love birds alone." Crosshair teased as he pushed our two brothers into the cockpit. "You aren't at the Citadel cyar'ika, you are here on the Marauder," I assured as I slipped onto the bed. I scooped the still shaking Jedi into my arms and let her lay her head on my lap. Silence overcame the two of us. I ran my fingers through her messy blonde hair.
"Hunter?" She asked quietly. "Yes?" I questioned. "Do you mean it?" She whispered. I raised my brow and looked down at her tear-stained face. "Mean what?" I inquired. "Hunter I am a Mandalorian, I speak Mando'a. I know what Cyar'ika means." She pushed. I sighed and stared down at her gorgeous milky eyes. I sighed and thought for a moment. "Yes, Lena I mean it." I nodded. I saw a small smile creep across her lips. Then I heard a small voice mutter out the words I had longed to hear for so long. "Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum." She whispered with a smile. I felt my chest flare inside my chest. "Ni kara'tayl gat darasuum." I cooed. Celine nuzzled into my legs and clung to the tooka doll. I felt her fall limp in my embrace as she fell asleep. Tech walked back in with a wet towel in hand and a hypo- syringe in the other. He placed the towel onto her head. Tech leaned down to inject that hypo-syringe into her neck when he paused. "That won't work." He stated flatly in a quiet tone. "What's wrong?" I whispered. "Her neck is too scarred to inject the needle." Tech reasoned. I looked down at her exposed neck and sure enough, hundreds of little needle scars glittered across her neck. "How do you think she got those?" I asked. "I suppose the Citadel." Tech hypothesized. Wrecker looked into the room and grinned. "Aww, it's a sleeping Jedi." He cooed happily. Crosshair leaned over across the doorway and smirked knowingly. Tech extracted some blood from her wrist and Celine didn't even flinch. Wrecker stared in shock at the scene. "Crosshair she didn't even twitch." Wrecker whispered in shock. "I saw that Wrecker." He hissed back. "We should let Celine rest, whatever she is ill with is draining," Tech stated as he went to leave. I began to stand up when Tech paused. "I advise someone to stay with Celine just to monitor her." Tech nodded. I sat back down and gently pulled Celine back onto my lap. I listened to Celine's labored breaths and waited with her in the back of the ship. After what seemed like hours Celine stirred. She flung over the bed and summoned the trash bin. I grimaced as I heard her throw up her stomach.

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