Discovering on Daro

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Name: Celine Kryze
Title: Mand'alor
Homeworld: Kalevala
Age: 24
Height: 5'8
Weight: 131lbs
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Dark Ocean Blue

One month later
Celine's pov
"Remind me why we have to ambush an imperial compound?" Ahsoka inquired. "Because Snips that compound has information that could be of use to Mandalore and its allies," Anakin replied as he steered the ship towards the core world. "Are you sure you are okay with just being the pilot for this mission?" I inquired. "Yeah besides if you get into any problems someone's got to be there to rescue you." Anakin grinned. I rolled my eyes at him. I turned to Ahsoka and nodded my head. Together we walked into the cabin of the ship and allowed ourselves to relax.
"Thanks for joining us." Ahsoka moved her deep blue eyes to stare into my own. "I know it must be hard for you to face the trials of war again." I professed. "War is all I've ever known, to be honest, it was the peace that was hard. It was the." Ahsoka trailed on as her eyes drifted to the floor. "The silence," I answered as I filled it in for her. Her head snapped up towards me and looked at me with a sad look. "When your head isn't filled with blaster fire or the sound of a ship moving through hyperspace. It has time to remember everyone that we have lost." I uttered as I stared forward into a seemingly endless void. "Sometimes I can hear their final breaths. And when I go to sleep, the memories just won't stop." She sniffled when she whipped her nose with tears in her eyes. "How do you sleep at night?" As she lifted her head to my own. "I don't, I haven't slept more than three to four hours since the order," I confessed with a lowered head. "Celine?" Ahsoka began. "The nightmares were bad before, but I had something to keep me in reality." I frowned. Ahsoka nodded her head and looked away. "We all paid a price for the war." She breathed out. I nodded my head as I looked down at the Baskar helmet resting in my lap. "I missed you." Ahsoka sniffled. I looked at her with a soft smile on my lips and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. "I missed you too." I sighed. "We are nearing Daro, you might want to do a debriefing on the mission plan," Anakin shouted. "Call for a mission debriefing over the intercom then!" I shouted. Ahsoka looked at me in terror and I quickly pieced together what she was afraid of. "Don't worry I'm sure Anakin didn't hear us," I assured. "This is your Captain speaking please come to the main cabin where our lovely leader will debrief you on the mission plan." Anakin's voice chimed over the intercom.

Alright time to go over the plan." Bo proclaimed as she and Wolffe marched into the room. I let a huff as I stood up and placed my helmet beside me. "Okay then Daro facility is an imperial compound used for we don't know what, but that is why we are here. The plan is for Bo and Wolffe to activate the security alarms. We'll take them out and Wolffe and Bo will change into the troopers' armor. Wolffe and Bo will the schematics of the facility and transmit them to Ahsoka and me. From there Ahsoka and I will sneak into the air vents and meet up with you guys. While Ahsoka makes her way to the engine room to help Bo explode the facility. Wolffe and I will go to the control center and place the security cams on a loop. Together we will hack into the mainframe and gather the intelligence we need. If we run into any trouble Anakin will open the cargo hold and release Summit." I announced. "Also Ahsoka does not leave the vents until we have turned off the cams, I do not want the empire to know that you are alive," I added. "Got it." She agreed.

With a jolt, I felt the ship fall out of hyperspace. "We are here," Bo grumbled as she placed on her helmet. I nodded at Ahsoka and let out a deep breath. I walked up to the cockpit and walked towards the cockpit. "Hey Anakin keeps the engines hot, this could go sideways," I warned as I leaned up against the door frame. "You got it, Celine." Anakin agreed. I turned around and placed the helmet on my head. I walked to the back of the ship and petted Summit's head as I passed her. "Let's give them hell." I proclaimed as the gangplank extended.

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