Chapter 36

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The days after her son was born were filled with love and happiness, there was rarely a moment where you'd see talia without her son in her arms, there was rarely a moment where Carlisle wouldn't be besides his wife and his son.

With Theo's birth it was like everything was finally perfect, she had all her mates, her sister, a beautiful niece, a dad that new everything and soon two beautiful step mothers that she already knew would make an amazing addition to their family.

Talia hummed a little as she stood by the window rocking her son in her arms gently and looked down at him "you are our everything" she whispered softly "your mamas and dadas will love and protect you for all of our lives" she whispered as Alice walked up to her and kissed her shoulder gently "may I hold him" Alice asked shyly

She smiled a little "you don't need to ask Allie hes your son just as much as he's mine" she smiled as she gently laid him in her arms before she walked back to the table and gently picked up her notebook and started to write again.

"Why do you write so much" Alice whispered
She smiled softly "I'm writing all our memories, the memories I have of meeting you, the memories I have of being with you all, every thought, every hope and dreams" she whispered "just in case one day I'm not around to tell our children myself" she smiled
"You'll be around till forever ends" Alice whispered
"One can only hope little pixie" she smiled

She hummed and leaned back as she watched her wife with their son before she began to feel like something was going to happen which made her head shake gently before she stood up and smiled as she kissed both of them.

"I'll be back in a little while" she whispered before she walked into the living room and looked at everyone and smiled softly "shall we go out in the snow" she whispered to renesme making the girl smile and go and get Bella.

"Are you taking Theo" Rose mumbled
She nodded her head "I think it's a little too cold for him outside but I bought him this cute little bear suit" she smiled and giggled as Alice walked in with Theo already in the little suit
"Can't keep anything secret with you can I little pixie" she smiled
"Never mu love" she smiled and kissed her wife gently before gently handing Theo back to her.

She smiled and looked at her family "I'll see you all soon" she smiled as she grabbed Renesmes hand as her Bella, nes, Theo and Jacob all walked to a clearing filled with snow.

"Honestly if you told me the day we moved from Phoenix that in less than two years I'd be married to five amazing people, I'd have an amazing son, a beautiful niece, that our father would be a vampire and Mated to two amazing women I'd have called you crazy" talia whispered as she looked at Bella who smiled back at her sister and nephew, "I would have said the exact same thing but I think I love the way our life has turned out" Bella smiled as they both watched renesme Jump into the air and catch a snow flake before she skipped over to both her aunt and mum and showed them the snow flake

"It's beautiful nes" talia smiled softly as she looked at her.
She jumped up again to catch another one when they heard a gasp, as they looked up to the hill near then they watched as a woman looked down at them making both the vampires from before the woman sped away
"Bells go" she mumbled gently helping nes back up onto Jacobs back

They waited for Bella to get back before they looked at her "I don't know who it was, they went into the water before I could get to her" she mumbled

Talia frowned a little and held her son tightly to her chest as she sped home and looked at Carlisle with worry in her eyes making him speed over to her and cheek both her and Theo over before pulling them both into her arms
"Someone was watching us" she whispered as she buried her head into his chest
"Who was it" he mumbled
"I don't know" she whispered and looked to Edward replaying watch happened for him

Edward frowned "that's impossible" he mumbled
"Who was it edward"  Jasper whispered
"Delilah Whitlock" he mumbled making Jasper gasp loudly
"Jaz" she mumbled looking at him
"She's my sister" he whispered and frowned
"She came to find you but saw Nes and Theo and she ran" Edward mumbled.

Jasper frowned "I don't understand any of this she died almost a hundred and seventy years ago" he mumbled before he looked at Alice who looked just as confused.

With many things changing in the world Jaspers sister making a new appearance spooked everyone including Jasper himself, Delilah Whitlock was buried a hundred and seventy years ago, Delilah Whitlock should be dead and yet there she was just for a moment she was there and now she was gone again and Jasper had no idea how to feel. Where had she been, who had she been with but most importantly he just wanted to know if he'd see his sister again.

Talia stood by the window with her son and frowned as he phone rang. She slowly walked over to it and smiled
"Caius" she whispered softly
"I'm doing this as a courtesy to the bond we share, we're coming, be ready, if we find you guilty of your crimes not even the bond can help us save you" he whispered before the line went dead.

She frowned and slowly looked up at edward who had the same look on his face "what crime" she mumbled as she tried to think back on every single thing that had happened but she couldn't coke up with anything that could be deemed as a crime.

They all snapped their heads towards Alice as she gasped and dropped the case she had been holding
"They're coming for us" Alice mumbled
"Who are" Carlisle whispered
"Aro, Marcus, caius, the guard" she whispered before looking at Jasper "Delilah" she mumbled

"Why" talia mumbled
"They think Renesme is an immortal child" Edward mumbled

In that moment Natalia knew she had fucked up badly, she should have rang her brothers but she had been so caught up in loving and spending time with her new born son that it has completely slipped her mind to tell her brothers about Renesme, all of this was completely her fault and she hated it more than anything in the world. Things were about to get messy.

Hey so would anyone be interested in a spin off book about Delilah and her mates. About what she did after Jasper thinks she died.

Forever ours- CullensHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin