Chapter 10

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Waking up the next morning felt strange, she finally understood what her friends where, why people deemed them so strange, she also now understood why sometimes Jasper looked as if he was in and pain and all she wanted to do was hug them.

So she changed for the day, walked out to the truck and sat with her sister in a calm silence as she watched Bella start to stress out. "Don't worry Bells it'll be okay" she whispered softly as she looked out the window as they arrived she watched her sister walked into the woods with Edward and chuckled softly before she looked at the rest of them and smiled as she skipped over to them.

She immediately hugged Jasper who stood shocked for a moment until he wrapped his arms around her too "so how was everyone's night" she smiled as she looked at them all, each of them blinked in shock at her and she giggled a little "what, do I have something on my face" she pouted as she wiped her face quickly "no your stunning" Emmett mumbled making her blushed "oh hush you"

Alice looked at her and squealed a little as she hugged her tightly "oh hello pixie" she chuckled softly as she hugged her back as Rose hugged her too. "Your all very cuddly today I love it" she smiled as she hugged rose back before Emmett look at her "why don't we skip today and go to the house and talk, Carlisle is there I know he misses you" he mumbled

She looked at them all and nodded "of course I'd love to see him" she smiled as Rosalie pulled her into the car and held her hand during the entire car ride which was quieter than normal which made her frown "have I done something wrong" she mumbled as she stepped out of the car at the house

"You haven't done anything wrong love they're just a little frightened" Carlisle muttered from behind her making her turn around, she looked at him for a second as she looked at his lips before she heard her other four loves gasp but she ignored it as she walked over to him and smiled "you Doctor Cullen missed a spot" she whispered softly as she gently wiped the bloody off the corner of his mouth before she held her thumb out to him "would you like to finish your meal" she whispered softly, he looked at her for a second before he gently licked the bloody from her finger keeping his eyes on her the entire time before she smiled "shall we go inside" she whispered as she skipped into the house and hummed as she sat on the arm chair by the window and watched as they all shuffled in looking like scared puppies.

She hummed a little "why are you all acting weird" she mumbled as she looked at Alice "you know about us and you haven't said anything" she whispered
"Allie it's not my place to say, yes I know what you are, yes it was a shock but I do not care, I was waiting for you all to tell me, it's your secret to keep and I did not want to cause anyone any pain by just outing you" she whispered softly as she smiled at them all
Rosalie looked at her and frowned "are you not scared"

Talia blinked slowly and giggled "no Rosa I am not scared" she smiled at her
"But we're monsters" Jasper mumbled making her freeze for a second
"Now you all listen here I do not know how any of you turned into what you and and that is your story to tell when you are ready but don't you dare tell me that you are monsters, monsters do not hug people, monsters do not make sure that someone they care for is okay when they're sick, monsters do not help them when they crying or panicking or when someone is being rude to them" she mumbled "none of you are monsters so do not ever day that ever again, I do not care that you are vampires, what I care about is that you all make me feel safe and to me that is all that will ever matter" she whispered softly

Emmett looked at her before he pulled her into his arms and held her tightly "thank god you do not hate us, I couldn't take it if you hated us" he mumbled into her neck, "oh Emmett I do not hate you, I never could" she whispered softly

He nodded gently before she turned her head to look at Carlisle who smiled at her "I have a few things to tell you if that's okay" he whispered making her nod her head a little as she slowly sat back on the arm chair.

Carlisle sighed before he stood by the window "in our world there is something called a mate, a mate is the one thing that we can never live without, they are our world, our salvation, our hope, our entire reason for living and once in a life time there is one mate that is shared between multiple people" he mumbled "as you know Alice and Jasper are with each other, Emmett and Rosalie are together and I'm single but you..your our mate" he whispered as he looked at her

She blinked slightly as she looked at them "I'm mated to all of you" she mumbled
"Yes" Jasper mumbled
"Is that why I feel this way" she whispered
"How do you feel baby" Rosalie whispered
She smiled softly "safe, I feel safe, I feel like I'm home, like nothing can ever hurt me while I'm with you" she whispered
"Nothing ever will hurt you while your with us" Emmett mumbled
She smiled "if I'm mated to you all will any of you get jealous if I do something with one of you and not the others" she whispered
Alice shook her head quickly "no we actually love watching you interact with us all whether that's with us all together or individually" she whispered

She smiled "good" she mumbled before she stood up and walked over to Carlisle and grabbed his face gently as she pushed her lips against his and kissed him deeply shocking the man before he relaxed into her and kissed her back gently holding her to the entire time.

Her other four mates watched them with smiles on their faces, happy to see that two people they cared for were finally happy and finally happy that their mate knew about them.

She slowly pulled away when she needed to breath and smiled as she gently laid her head on his "I've wanted to do that since the moment I met you" she whispered softly as she looked into his eyes
He smiled "same my love" he whispered softly as he held her to him and kissed her head gently "does it not disturb you that to all of this town I'm much older than you" he mumbled
She hummed softly "how old are you, not how long you've been around but your age at the time you turned" she mumbled
"Twenty three" he mumbled

She smiled at him "I'm eighteen almost nineteen meaning technically your only four or five years older than me, I've never cared what society thinks of me Carlisle, you are the sweet doctor I spoke to in the hospital and now your my sweet doctor" she whispered softly "if people have a problem with me being with you quite frankly they can go and jump in a very cold river, I cannot and will not keep my relationship with any of you hidden do you all understand me" she mumbled as she looked at each of her mates who looked shocked "I have felt this pill to each and every one of you since the moment I met you and ignoring it hurts so I refuse to, yes many people will find it weird I'm with five people, hell many people will find it weird I'm with a doctor but to hell with them, so no I do not find it weird, I will not hide with any of you" she mumbled and watched the smiles on her mates faces as she spoke widen until Carlisle held her tighter.

"I will shout from every rooftop that I am with you all if I have to" she whispered before they all sped to her and wrapped their arms around her and held her in between them all

For the first time in a long time each and everyone of them felt whole, they felt happy and loved, they knew in that moment their mate would never be ashamed of them and wouldn't hide her relationship with them and she knew in that moment all the little touches and all the looks she had given them over the time she knew them was all once hundred percent worth it to get to this point.

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