Chapter 32

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Two days later and everyone was searching everywhere on something that could help Bella. The child has now begun to break her sisters bones as it grew and everyone was exceptionally worried about what may happen if they didn't find something to help her and soon.

In the two days it had been since Edward yelled at her mates they had all become very attentive Jasper used his gift to make her comfortable enough to sleep, both Alice and Rosalie helped her dress and bathe, emmett insisted on carrying her everywhere when she went which just made her giggle most of the time. And Carlisle always made sure that her health was okay and that the baby was always calm and healthy.

Talia hummed a little as she sat eating her breakfast as she read books about vampires trying to find something to help her sister when something crossed her mind, her brothers were three of the oldest and most powerful vampires in history, if anyone knew how to help her sister it would be them.

"No" Edward mumbled making her roll her eyes and made her mates look at her
"Edward they be the only way we can help her this isn't just about you, I'm doing this whether you like it or not, I am not loosing my sister" she mumbled as she stood up with help from Alice "thanks pixie" she whispered
"Your welcome" she whispered

Talia walked into Carlisles office and sat down before she grabbed the phone and smiled as she called them
"Now isn't this a surprise" Marcus mumbled through the phone
"Hello brothers" she smiled
"Hello sister" caius whispered
"I need you help" she mumbled
"Whatever is the matter" Aro frowned
"I need any information you have on a human becoming pregnant with a vampires child" she whispered
"I'm sorry but we don't have any of that, we don't know anything about hybrids, you and your child are the only two we know" Marcus whispered
"Thank you Marcus, sorry I've got to go" she smiled a little before she hung up and sighed softly

She leaned back in the chair and ran her hands through her hair gently
"You should be relaxing not stressing yourself out" Carlisle mumbled
"I can't help it I'm worried about her" she whispered
"I know, how about we talk about baby names to relax you" he mumbled
She smiled softly "that sounds nice do you have any suggestions"
He looked at her and smiled "if it's a boy Theodore" he mumbled
"Theodore Charlie" she whispered softly and if it's a girl "Athena Esme" she smiled
He looked at her for a second and smiled "perfect, little Theo or thena" he smiled as he leaned down and kissed her head gently

For the rest of that night both her and Carlisle relaxed in the study until he had to go and check on Bella which is when Emmett came to cuddle with her.

She smiled as she laid her head on his chest and sighed softly "I missed you" she whispered
"I'm never leaving you ever again" he mumbled as he held her tightly

She stayed cuddled into emmett for hours and closed her eyes basking in the comfort she felt from each and every single one of her mates but most importantly she felt complete now that all of her mates were with her again.
"I love you" She whispered softly
"I love you too Talia, you and our little bean" he whispered as he laid his hand on her bump carefully
She smiled and looked up at him before she kissed him gently, he hummed as he kissed her gently.

They spent hours like that just holding and kissing each other as they made up for lost time until eventually rose joined them.

Rose looked at her two mates cuddling and smiled softly "you both look absolutely adorable" she whispered
"Come cuddle Rosie I'm sleepy" talia mumbled

Rose smiled as she walked over to them and laid on her other side as she cuddled into her mate and laid her hand just above Emmetts on her bump. The three of them sighed softly and stayed curled into each other before eventually she fell asleep in between them both.

"We hurt her rose" Emmett whispered
"I know and we will never be able to apologise enough" she whispered softly
"I don't care what happens now rose these two are the most important things in the world" he mumbled before he laid his head on hers and closed his eyes.

Talia spent a few hours sleeping before she woke up with a sigh, sleeping was becoming more and more difficult as her own pregnancy progressed but even more so lately with the stresses she was having with trying to help Bella.

She sighed as she kissed both Emmett and Rose before she walked into the living room "Carlisle your baby is being a nuisance" she mumbled
"Oh it's my baby now is it" he smiled playfully
"Speak to them love they calm down when you speak" she whispered as she sat down on the couch.

He chuckled softly and walked over to her and kneeled down both of them not caring that their entire family was watching them.
"Hello little monkey" he whispered as he kissed her bump gently resulting in a little kick where he kissed making he chuckle loudly
"Be good for mama okay, she's been so good to you for nine months, just a little longer and then we can meet you sweet angel" he whispered

Bella looked at them and smiled as she leaned into Edward "they're cute" she mumbled
"They are" he whispered and smiled as he looked at his sister in law and watched as finally all her mates where with her again which made them all smile now that she was happy again everything seemed to be going okay.

Natalia frowned a little as she was suddenly and violently hit with the scent of wet dog making her stomach instantly turn
"Bucket" Edward mumbled making Alice quickly grab it and hold it in front of her as she threw up
"Fucking wolves" talia growled just as Jacob walked to the door and rang the door bell

With a wolf at her door she couldn't help but feel uneasy, something was going to happen and whatever it was, it definitely wasn't going to end well.

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