Chapter 33

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Talia had been right, Jacob black only brought more problems into their lives, after he had found out about the baby Bella was carrying he went and told his pack which didn't see the baby as a baby but instead saw both Bella and the child as a threat. Thankfully Jacob got to the Cullen's in time to tell them all about the plan in which Sam had which changed everything, they could no longer hunt, no longer leave the little land that they owned. They were confined to their house, not even talia could go and visit her father which she hated so much.

The days seemed to blur past quickly and in doing so Bella seemed to get worse, the baby seemed to be hurting her more despite the blood that she was now drinking, for the first time ever the human blood her sister drank made her thirsty, everyone had agreed that it only made her thirsty due to none of them being able to hunt for the last week or so.

She wasn't the only one feeling the hunger but Jasper felt it much more than anyone else, and so every time her sister needed the blood, Jasper and talia would sit up in their room and Jasper would lach onto the babies emotions and tell her all about how her child was feeling.

Natalia was now thirty eight weeks pregnant which meant she could give birth at any moment, but Carlisle was adamant that she had a few more weeks yet until she gave birth as a person first child tended to come later than their due date.

Over the past few days everyone had been talking about finding a way to hunt, of course due to how pregnant Talia was she couldn't hunt meaning one of her loves would bring her back some animal blood in a bottle. Though none of them expected for the day they all went to come so quickly leaving just Rose, Jacob, Edward, Bella and herself in the house.

Talia sat on the couch leaning into her wifes side and smiled softly as she felt her little babies kick gently
"Jacob will you bloody move down a little I swear you stink worse than the bloody sewer" she mumbled as she buried her head into roses neck, she could feel her mate giggling as she cuddled her
"Im only moving because I am extremely scared of that blonde empath" he mumbled as he moved to the other side of Bella.

This day would change their lives for the rest of their immortal lives.

Talia had lost many things in her life, she had lost the mother than had raised her, she had lost the wolves who some of them were once her family, she had lost her life defending her sister, her father had lost his human life but what she never thought would happen, was that she would watch her little sister die.

It all happened within moments of each other, one second her sister was stood talking to Jacob and Edward and next her sisters back snapped and all of a sudden the baby in which she was carry was on its way.

Both Rose and Talia looked at each other before they nodded "go Rosie" she whispered softly knowing that rose would get to the room far quicker than she could.

It took her a little over five minutes to get to the room and by the time she did rose was being pushed out her blood lust getting the best of her, she kissed her wife's cheek before she walked into the room and watched as Bella screamed to save the baby
"Quickly Edward the baby's struggling" Talia mumbled

Since she has gotten pregnant Talia had a knack when it came to pregnancy with other people and babies, what she felt was almost never wrong.

She turned slightly when Edward started to bite into Bella to get the baby "your doing good Bells" she whispered as she squeezed her hand.

It didn't take too long before the sound of a baby's cry filled the room moments before her sisters breaths began to fade.

She gasped softly as she looked at her sister before she looked to the baby "here Edward let me take her, look after my sister" she mumbled as she gently wrapped the baby in a blanket before she carried her into the living room and sat down by the fire with her.

She looked down at the child in her arms and smiled softly "hello Renesme" she whispered softly as she stroked the girls cheek before the baby placed her hand on her aunts cheek forcing her into memories.

It was renesemes memories. Her memories of hearing her aunt humming as she sat next to Bella, Memories of talia reading out loud and Renesme finding it soothing, memories of her defending the unborn child.

Quickly she was pulled out of the memories and started down at the girl for a moment before she smiled "I will defend you and your cousin until forever ends sweet girl" she whispered softly as she gently rocked her as rose walked into the room
"You look good holding a baby" she whispered
Talia smiled softly "soon it'll be our own" she whispered before she tensed and turned around looking at Jacob who looked at the baby in her Ames as if it was the most magnificent thing in the world.

She growled lowly "you didn't" she mumbled as she glared at the boy who had the audacity to look smug about the situation.
"What's happening" Rose whispered
"Our little wolf friend imprinted on Renesme" she mumbled as she flinched listening to the fighting outside before Jacob ran out and phased stopping all of the fight.

Both Rose and Talia walked into the deck as all the fighting stopped and all the wolves looked towards her and the baby as her family turned to look at her too.

She gently handed the baby to Rosalie before she walked down the steps ignoring her mates before she looked at the wolves, "if any of you stop me I'll do the same to you" she mumbled and watched the confused looks on their faces before she used her telekinesis powers to throw Jacob across their front garden

"You imprinted on my niece" she growled "on a fucking baby Jacob black, now this imprinting thing may give you a right to protect that little girl but let me make one thing very fucking clear to you, if you tells you no you walk away, if she dates someone else you walk away, you will be nothing but a friend to her until she reaches the age of eighteen when she is legally allowed to make her own decisions do I make my self very clear" she growled louder her eyes flickering slight as she watched the wolf nod.  "Good" she mumbled as she walked back up to rose and Renesme

Talia rarely threatens anyone but when she did she meant every single bloody word, if Jacob black overstepped in any way she could end him.

She gently took Renesme and smiled "let's go and see grandpa shall we" she whispered as she walked up to the dining room and looked at her father who sat in between both of his mates
"Dad" she smiled as he jumped up and instantly looked at his daughter "I have someone who wants to meet you" she whispered as she slowly walked over to him and gently placed the girl in his arms "this is Bella and edwards daughter, Renesme" she whispered
"Oh she's beautiful" he whispered

She smiled and hugged both Tanya and Irina and hummed slightly as she leaned into Tanya both the women had become mother figures to her in the last few months that she honestly didn't know what she'd do without them.

She watched as her father held the baby in his arms and instantly her mind traveled to when her own child was going to be there, she couldn't wait to see the both her baby made with each and every single one of their family members, including their new cousin. The sweet little baby she had now vowed to protect with all of her being and she meant every single word of it.

I know I skipped a lot of breaking dawn part one but most of my next ideas are for part 2 and for what comes after that.

Forever ours- CullensTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon