Chapter 9

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The rest of her night at home was spent on the couch curled up between her father and her sister. She loved times like this, when they all just spent time together. That night she ended up falling asleep cuddled into both her father and her sister.

The next day she felt much better as she walked with Bella into the parking lot of the school and watched as her friends rushed over to her. She sighed a little and looked around as she walked over to the Cullen's and smiled as she leaned against Emmett as he wrapped his arm around her. "How are you love" he mumbled as he kissed her head gently "I'm okay much better than yesterday" she whispered and watched as Bella walked onto the bus ready for her trip.

She looked at Jasper and Alice and pouted as she hugged Jasper "I'll miss you in history I'm going to be so bored without you" she mumbled before she hugged Alice "have fun pixie" she whispered as she kissed both of their cheeks before she leaned against Emmett again as she squeezed Rosas hand and waved to them and Edward as the bus drove off.

She smiled at Rose and Emmett "I'll see you in art and you teddy bear at lunch" she whispered as she kissed each of their cheeks gently before she skipped to history and spent the whole lesson pouting as she tapped the desk not really paying attention.

Until finally the bell went and skipped to art where she smiled "thank god your here I was so bored in history" she pouted as she sat next to her and smiled "well I'm glad I can help you with your boredom" she whispered as she squeezed her hand before they were told to draw something they loved.

She smiled and immediately started concentrating as she drew and shaded in the piece of the Cullen's golden eyes.

By the time the bell went she had painted five sets of the eyes each very similar but all of them very different at the same time.  She looked over at rose and gasped she saw a sketch of both herself and Emmett.
She tilted her head "you drew me" she whispered softly. Rosa nodded gently "of course I did you mean a lot to me" she mumbled before she grabbed her hand gently and walked into the lunch room where Emmett immediately grabbed both of their hands and dragged them to their usual table.

She giggled a little as she sat with them and talked to them all lunch about various things until English. Emmett sat next to her as he watched her write with a look of love on his face.

She looked at him and smiled "now what are you staring at" she whispered softly
He smiled at her "you" he mumbled "why do you enjoy writing so much" he whispered
She smiled "I want to be an author, I want to write books people can fall in love with" she whispered
He smiled at her "I shall be the first to buy your books baby"
She smiled at him and kissed his cheek gently before she went back to concentrating on her hat she was writing.

French went slow that day and eventually the school day was over. When it was the busses pulled back in and she immediately hugged Jasper and Alice until she saw the look on her sisters face, she rushed to her and hugged her tightly "what's wrong Isa" she whispered
Bella sighed a little "I thought Edward and I were getting along but clearly not" she mumbled
She sighed "go wait in the car I'll be there in a second" she mumbled as she looked at Edward almost with same anger she had that first day as she walked to him he gulped visibly as her mates smirked.
"You listen here Edward I have grown to love you but make no mistake if you carry on treating my sister the way you are I will borrow one of my dads shotguns and I will make sure nobody ever finds you again" she mumbled as she smiled sweetly at him before she skipped away to the car.

That night both her and Bella sat up talking for hours, Bella at some point proud up how fascinating it was that all the Cullen's had golden eyes and pale skin. "They are different I know that but to me they are still the people I met that first day" she whispered "when they wish to tell us the truth they will do" she smiled before she fell asleep.

The next day was sunny so when she got to school and noticed that none of the Cullens were there her face immediately fell. She spent that day mostly alone but at lunch she did sit with Bella and her friends who invited Bella to go dress shopping that night and of course bells only agreed to go if Talia went with her so she did.

Once school was over that night Talia and Bella drove home to change and waited to be picked up by Angela and Jessica.

Once they arrived she smiled as she watched them try on dresses and jumped when a bunch of people slammed on the glass window. She sighed as she rolled her eyes and looked back at the girls "you both look extremely beautiful" she smiled softly.

Bella looked at her and smiled "I wanna go to a book shop around here do you want to come" she whispered
She nodded and stood up grabbing her things as she skipped with her to the bookshop and once they were there she walked off from Bella and started to look around picking up a few books but one book Intrigued her the most it was called the woman who gave life, according to the back of the book it was a legend about a vampire woman who looked human, had full human tendencies and could bring life into the world by having children. So she decided to buy it.

After they purchased the books they realised it had gotten late so they rushed to get to the restaurant that they were supposed to be with Angela and Jessica, they walked through an ally and were immediately stopped by the same guys who had slammed on the window of the dress shop.

She gasped loudly as one of them pushed her against the wall and held her face "well aren't you pretty" he whispered as he held her face tightly and held her waist even tighter, tight enough that she would have a bruise in the morning but before the man could do much more she heard a car speed into the parking lot and he was pulled off her in seconds and was greeted by the golden eyes of Jasper who quickly pulled her into him.

She shook and wrapped her arms around him tightly as he walked them over time the car and got in holding her tightly on his lap as she buried her head into neck, she jumped when Rosalie's hand grabbed hers but calmed down when she realised who it was.

A few moments later Edward got into the car and she was vaguely aware of them talking but she just Carried on relaxing in the arms of the two twins, "take me home" she mumbled into jaspers neck who nodded quickly "of course" he whispered before telling Edward.

Before they even got home they pulled into the forks police station where she frowned as she stepped out and listened to Carlisle tell Bella to go see Charlie before Carlisle walked over to her and pulled her into his arms "are you okay" he mumbled. She nodded a little as she leaned her head on him before she looked up at him "I should go check on my dad" she mumbled before she pulled away and looked at them all "thank you for saving me" she whispered before rushing into the station were she ran to her dad and hugged him tightly.

Hours later the swan family returned home where each of the swan daughters went to their separate rooms where they read for hours until Bella rushed into her room and handed her the book she bought "read this does it seem familiar" she mumbled
Talia frowned a little and read out loud "the cold ones have pale skin, they're incredibly fast and strong, their eyes flicker when they're mad or when they look at something they love" she whispered before she blinked
"They're..they're vampires" she whispered as she looked at Bella who nodded and laid on the bed next to her.

"What are we going to do" Bella mumbled
She smiled softly as she looked at her sister "I'm going to wait until they tell me it's not my secret to tell" she whispered softly "what about you"
Bella sighed "I'm going to ask Edward tomorrow" she mumbled as she walked back to room.

At the Cullen house they all sat in the living room talking asking Jasper how their mate was when Alice was pulled into a vision which made her gasp loudly
"They know, Talia knows about us" she whispered

All of her mates sat around with a scared look on their faces, they had no idea how their mate had the news but they also felt relieved that they did not have to lie to her anymore.

Forever ours- CullensNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ