Chapter 15

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The rest of that night was spent in Carlisles arms trying to ease his worries for the following day.

In the early hours of the morning she woken up by Carlisle tapping on the table light a clear indication that his anxiety was getting the best of him.

She sighed a little as she sat up from the bed and slowly walked over to him and moved so she was stood in between his legs as she gently lifted his head so he was looking at her, as she looked into his gorgeous eyes she could see his anxiety and his nervousness. She gently ran her thumb over his lips gently before she wrapped her arms around him and scratched his head gently and holding him until he eventually calmed down.

"My love, talk to me" she whispered softly
"I'm frightened this will go wrong" he mumbled
She kissed his head gently "let's not wait any longer than my darling, shall we call them now"

He looked at her for a minute before he nodded and lifted her up and took her downstairs where she looked at all the others sitting around talking, she smiled as she jumped down and kissed each of her mates on the cheek before she grabbed Carlisles hand and guided him to a chair, once he was comfortable she grabbed the phone and then placed herself in his lap.

He looked at her and smiled as he kissed her head before he dialled the familiar number before putting in speaker knowing he would not hide this conversation from his mate.

"Good afternoon volturi residents how may I help" the voice on the other side said
"Hello I'd like to speak to the kings please" he mumbled
"Certainly one moment"

She watched as Carlisle tensed more "baby calm yourself" she mumbled softly "everything works out the way it's supposed to baby" she smiled

"Hmm now who is that delightfully open minded lady" a voice mumbled through the phone, she knew she should feel scared at the voice but somehow it made her feel safe almost as though a brother would.

"Aro, it's good to hear from you" carlisle mumbled trying to draw out the conversation a little
"And you Carlisle" Aro mumbled
"Oh can we just get on with this I have things to do" one snapped
"Caius control yourself" another mumbled
"Shut up marcus"

She giggled loudly much to her mates shock and almost horror "I'm so sorry but you can totally tell that you three think of each other as brothers"

For a moment the line was silent and Carlisle couldn't help but think the worst until the most vicious of the three Caius chuckled loudly
"Seems you intrigue us all Piccolo" caius mumbled
She smiled a little at the nickname name "seems many people think that lately, would you possibly leg Carlisle talk, I do not know how much longer I help him seeing how tense he is right now" she whispered
"Of course we shall" Marcus whispered

"Go ahead Li" she smiled softly as she looked up at him.

For a moment all the Cullen's watched in awe at the way their mate was speaking to the kings of their world. It took a moment but eventually Carlisle snapped out of his daze.

"I found my mate, in this delightful sweet girl, she's amazing in every single way and everyone that meets her cannot help love her, but that's not all, she's also mated to four others, Jasper, Alice, Emmett and Rosalie but she's also human" he mumbled looking down at her as he talked, again their was silence for a moment until Aro broke it
"How utterly wonderful Carlisle a shared mate is a sacred thing my friend, cherish our dear sister with all you have. As for her being human that is not a problem we shall send along some books for you to read about this, but do know she will need to turn, now you have her it'll cause you all intense amount of pain to loose her" he mumbled
"I fully intend on turning my lord, just not yet I would like a few human years first"

They all expected the kings to reject her idea but what surprised them the most was Caius and his gentle tones towards the girl
"You do not need to call us that dear sister, we can tell you will be important to us all, have as many years as you like just know it needs to happen" he mumbled
"Thank you cai" she whispered
"I apologise we must go to trial, until we meet dear sister" Marcus mumbled before the phone ended

The kings sat in their trail and all of them felt the same, they felt that the cullens shared mate would become important to them too, they just didn't know when. What they did know is Marcus began to see three new bonds wrap themselves around him and his brothers, the bond of a soul sibling, all likely stretching to the sweet human girl.

Talia looked around at her mates and smiled "see I said it would be okay" she whispered
Her mates smiled and Carlisle relaxed into her.

They all sat around talking for hours until alice was pulled into a vision and smiled "shall we go play baseball today"

She giggled a little at the excitement on all her mates faces before she yawned a little realising it was still very early in the morning, she decided to fall asleep again.

She slept for a few hours until she was woke by Alice "come on get up baby it's baseball time" she smiled
She pouted a little "tell me I at least get to steal someone's clothes" she mumbled
"You do, jaspers is on the bed already"

She smiled and shot up before she grabbed jaspers shirt off the bed and smiled as she put it on as well as a pair of jeans before she skipped downstairs with Alice.

Jasper immediately grabbed her and kissed her gently "I like you in my clothes sweet girl" he whispered
"I'll wear them as many times as I can" she smiled softly as she ran her hand through his hair gently

She stood in his arms for a little while before she was pulled into Rosalie's arms and smiled "my pretty girl" she whispered as she kissed her gently before Emmett pulled her into his arms and smiled as he too kissed her.

"Let's go pretty lady" he whispered softly as he lifted her up she sped to a clearing where he put her down gently before he went to start practicing.

Talia watched as all her mates and the people she had grown to love as her own family, she was so lost in through that she didn't see her sister pull up with Edward until she was sat next to her.

"Hello bells" she smiled at her
"Hey tal" she mumbled
"I see you and Edward have made up now" talia mumbled softly
"We have" she smiled
"Good I'm glad" she whispered before Bella went off to play umpire while she decided to sit and watch all her loves.

She smiled a little as she watched Emmett climb and get the ball, she watched as Rosalie lost her game and she smiled as she wrapped her arms gently. She watched as Carlisle won his round, she then watched as Jasper did a trick with his bat, which she must add made her feel all type of ways. And sweet Alice bounced on her feet marking her smile.

Her wandering thoughts earned her a disgusted look from Edward.

Before anything else can happen Alice whirled around and raced to her mate "stop, I didn't see them" she mumbled as she gripped her mates hand, seconds before three nomads appeared from the trees.

All five of her mates were around her in seconds as Edward was by Bella. She looked towards them and frowned slightly as her eyes landed on the blonde man, she could tell he was an angry man but what she didn't expect was all hell to break loose as Edward and then man started snarling at each other, as the nomad looked towards her sister hungrily. It took a few moments but eventually they left but it didn't matter the motions were already in place and things were about to get very difficult.

As Emmett lifted his mate into his arms he couldn't help but worry about her despite it not being her the tracker was after he was incredibly worried.

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