Chapter 1

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She had never given much thought to how she would die, she always thought she'd die of old age, surrounded by maybe a husband, or a wife maybe even a few children and grandchildren, though what she didn't know was that moving to the beautiful town of forks would bring me to love five people that the world deemed she should be afraid of and yet, the moment she laid eyes on the Cullen family her life changed for better in everyway possible.

Looking around her room at her dads house made her smile more than she had smiled in a long time, the thought of being home and being in a place she loved just made her want to scream with happiness but thankfully she didn't. She skipped down the stairs and smiled as she grabbed a tray of cookies she had baked to take to the hospital like she did every summer she came home only this time she made them into cute shapes so the children on the wards would love them.

She looked around before she looked at dad "dad can you take me to the hospital so i can take cookies" she smiled
He smiled softly " of course love" he whispered as she smiled and skipped towards the car, the difference between Bella and Talia was always that she helped anyone and everyone she could, people thought that her small stature made her innocent but it just made her small and smile a lot.

She sat on the car looking out the window as she hummed softly only to the radio as dad drove us to the hospital "there's a new doctor here, his names Carlisle you should meet him while your here" dad whispered, she smiled and nodded "I'll be sure too" she whispered as she got out of the car, then name revolving around my head. She shook my head softly before walking into the hospital smiling at nurses she knew.

"Jackie I brought cookies for the children, I hope this time they all love the cute details I made" she smiled softly as she looked at the nurse, "oh darling I'm sure they will absolutely love them now give them here, I'm sure doctor Cullen can keep you company while I go and give these to them" she whispered before walking off. She slowly looked up at the doctor and froze slightly, he did the exact same

she was the first to snap out of the daze and smiled at him "good afternoon Doctor Cullen" she smiled as she held her hand out to him. He smiled softly as he shook my hand "please call me Carlisle" he whispered his voice deep and powerful and yet it didn't scare her it made her want to listen to him more, I smiled softly "only if you call me Talia" she whispered as She looked at him.
He nodded as she slowly pulled my hand away from him and smiled as she  looked around "may I ask how long you've worked here I haven't seen you before" She smiled as she looked up at him.

He smiled down at her many thoughts rushing through his head before he finally answered her "my family and I moved here around two years ago, my children wanted a change of scene" she nodded slowly as the smile slowly dropped from her face realising she was flirting with a man that probably had a wife if he had children "I'm sure you and your wife have done amazing with them" she whispered
He chuckled softly which made her frown "I'm not married, I adopted them with my sister and her husband Charles" he smiled softly as he watched the smile on her face slowly come back "oh" she whispered softly "my apologies for assuming, I hate to cut this short but I have to get back to my dad, I'll see you soon" she smiled before she skipped away and back out to the police cruiser that was sat outside the hospital waiting for her.

A small smile played on her lips as she looked out the window of the car as her dad drove back to the house, immediately she went up to her room and started thinking about the blonde haired doctor that she could not get out of her head.

She sighed as she changed into her pyjamas and laid on her bed slowly letting the darkness take over and as her dreams turned to those of Carlisle she couldn't helped but feel happy at the fact that she was in forks once again.

It felt like she had only been sleeping for ten minutes before her eyes opened and she looked around and smiled as she changed for the day. Talia hummed as she skipped down the stairs to make breakfast for her sister and dad opting to make pancakes this morning. Once they were ready she called them to the table, after eating and washing the dishes Bella and talia got into the truck which she had decided she was never riding in again if she could help it and drove to school.

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