Chapter 25

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The next few weeks were a blur, when Bella and Edward returned from their trip to Phoenix Bella found out all about Edwards plan to keep Bella from knowing about Victoria, it made her absolutely livid that he would keep that to himself and not only endanger his family but also hers, she was especially protective of her sister because of the baby and knowing that she could have been hurt made her beyond angry.

But she was happy that she was safe, she was happy that her dad finally found love but she was definitely not expecting him to yell at Edward for being one of the reasons that Talia turned, in all honesty it made her laugh, she had never seen him so scared.

Talia hummed slightly as she sat on the couch eating yet another bag of pretzels, it seemed to be the only thing that didn't make her sick at the moment
"Why is other food making you sick" Edward mumbled as he walked in with Bella, his question made her tense up, she still wasn't on speaking terms with her sisters beau and would rather he didn't know all about her personal life.

But she sighed softly and Squeezed Roses hand who had barely left her side since they found out about the baby. She looked at him for a second "I'm pregnant" she mumbled
She watched as many emotions crossed his face before it settled on anger
"Who's the dad, how can you all sit around and be okay with her being pregnant when she cheated on you" Edward growled making Bella take a step back from him before fixing her gaze ok him

"How dare you accuse my sister of cheating on her mates, for god sake Edward for once will you read their thoughts for the right god damn reason, her gift is the gift of fertility she can have her mates children" Bella growled as she moved over to her sister
"Bella..I" he mumbled
"No you do not talk to me until you make it up to my sister, your starting to piss me off with the amount of nasty comments you are making about her" she mumbled as she glared at him before she sat next to talia and leaned into her side.

"How are my niece or nephew" she mumbled now completely ignoring Edward
She smiled softly "well this little bean will only let me eat pretzels without throwing up it's quite sad, Carlisle is setting up a little doctor room in his office so we can have scans of the baby from home" she smiled  "having my doctor fiancé deliver our child just seems right to me, there's no one I'd trust more to get our child into the world safely than their own dad" she whispered as she leaned into her sister and cuddled her.

Bella smiled a little as she threw the blanket over both of them and cuddled into her sister
"Do you have any idea how far you are" she whispered
"Um if I'm correct then a little over two months, I just hope I don't start showing until after your graduation" she mumbled
"Even if you were I'll punch Jessica if she says anything" Bella mumbled making her sister giggle slightly
"I'm the older sibling shouldn't I be protecting you" Talia mumbled
"You've had my back my entire life, you literally died protecting me from James let me protect you just this once" she whispered
She nodded a little "just this once Bells" she whispered softly

The two sisters stayed curled into each other for a few hours before bella went to yell at Edward more just this time in private.

Talia shuffled slightly and moved so her head was laid on Rosalie's lap
"I still hate your sister but she's growing on me" she whispered
Talia chuckled softly "I'm glad we're stuck with her and dad for the rest of eternity" she smiled
"Like I said, a wonderful eternity it will be with you and Emmett by my side and now we have a little bean who we will love for all our life"

She teared up slightly as she looked up at her and smiled "I love you Rosa" she whispered
"You haven't called me that in a long time, I love you too" she whispered and kissed her gently before they both curled into each other.

Rosalie held her pregnant mate for hours enjoying her time together but now she was so much more protective of her, she'd never allow harm to come to any member of her family but most of all she'd never allow any harm to come to talia and their baby.

As talia curled into her mate she couldn't help but fall asleep, all the stress of Edward, the baby and Victoria finally taking their toll on her, she was absolutely exhausted, she hadn't even had time to tell her soul brothers about the baby yet she just hoped when she did they would happy for her and happy for her when she told them about the engagement.

Talia seemed to sleep for hours which confused Rosalie bit with reassurance from Carlisle she stayed curled into her holding her through her nap. Every now and then one of her other mates would come in and sit with them and every time they did talia would move slightly so she was curled against both of them.

Eventually rose had to go and hung but she left her in the capable hands of Jasper and Alice. She moved slightly so her head was on Jasper and her legs were on Alice's lap.
"How are you feeling about this Jasper" Alice mumbled
"It's new but I can't help but feel a fatherly bond with the baby, I can feel all of Talias emotions, she's excited, happy, scared" he whispered "I won't abandon her or this child Alice"
His words made both his mates smile "I know you won't" Alice mumbled
"We know you won't" talia smiled.

Spending her days wrapped up with her mates was perfect to her in every single way, if only it could last forever, sadly with Victoria around these happy days were about to turn to days of angst and sadness.

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