You're my Latest, My Greatest Inspiration

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His mind began to wonder. He had a few dreams about Senior in the last couple weeks. The last dream felt like another timeline of sort. It was in the future. Senior was alive and healthy living with Nan again and the child Mel was currently carrying looked to be about 3 years old. A boy. A son. Derrick believed it was a sign. Something told him it was a boy and after finding out Mel told Nan about her dreams, he was almost certain she was carrying a boy. Another month to go before they received confirmation though. He was excited even if Mel still wasn't completely. "What do my pretty girls want to eat tonight?" "I want a cheesesteak," Mel quickly rushed out as if she had been marinating on it. He chuckled at her anticipation.

"I can make that for you my love," he kissed her deeply before heading downstairs to start cooking. A smile on his face as he reflected on how blessed he was. Just a few years ago, he was coming home to no one. Now he had an entire family that brought him the most happiness and peace he had ever felt. His phone rang, pulling him out of his thoughts. Looking at the name he groaned. What the hell could she want? "Hello?" "Hi there Derrick! How are you?" He froze for a second although the silence felt like a minute. "I'm doing fine Brenda how are you?" "I'm doing great actually." Silence filled the air yet again. Why was she like this?

"That's....great. To what do I owe this surprising call?" "Oh umm I know that Mel leaves for her tour soon and I just wanted to extend a helping hand if you needed it. I know sometimes you have June watch Saniyah if you're too busy and I just wanted to let you know that I can watch her too. I feel like everyone has taken her on their own except me and I'm sure Mel has something to do with that." "Why are you mentioning all of this to me instead of Mellie?" "We both know she would've hung up on me by now. I'm just saying if you find yourself needing a babysitter even if only for an hour I'm here. I would love to spend some time with my only niece aside from dinner once a month."

Derrick rolled his eyes. Brenda was trying to go behind Mel's back to get what she wanted. She wasn't slick. He wasn't about to get chewed out by his extremely hormonal and pregnant wife just because Brenda was too scary to talk to her about watching Niyah. "I will keep that in mind. Is there anything else we need to discuss? I'm in the middle of cooking for my family." "Oh no. That's all. I didn't mean to interrupt you. Have a lovely evening," Derrick's face scrunched at her 'niceness'. The shit was weird. "You as well." He quickly hung up and tossed the phone onto the counter. He couldn't wait to tell Melinda about this shit.

"So tell me what exactly is the issue you have with her asking to watch Saniyah?" She did not come to me. She's going around me. If I say no then that should be it right? I'm Saniyah's mother. What I say goes. "That is true but what harm is there by letting her spend some one on one time with your sister? This would let her get to know her aunt more." No. I don't want Saniyah to go through what I went through with Brenda. Plus I just know Saniyah would lose her mind if she saw that Brenda was her caretaker for however long. Even just being around her, Saniyah doesn't go to Brenda like that. "Children do as their parents do. Monkey see, monkey do. So if you're distant and always snappy with Brenda, Saniyah will be too."

Did you just call me a monkey? "No Melinda. I'm simply stating that if you want things to change for good then you have to give a little in order for some effort can be made to be different. Give Brenda a chance. She might surprise you." Yeah yeah yeah. Look I am a little nervous right now. "About Saniyah?" No about being on TV. My face is about to be on TV screens across the world. "I see the worry in your eyes. Are you afraid of HIM seeing you?" Would I be wrong to? That letter still has me feeling like he is on the lookout. I can just picture his psycho ass watching me on the tv and taking notes. "I'm sending you're more afraid he will gain some knowledge that you don't want out. Such as your pregnancy."

Of course. Derrick and I agreed on not mentioning me being pregnant anyways but that doesn't mean someone wouldn't notice I look different. I'm just worried and that worry has me even more worried about this baby. I'm trying to enjoy the remainder of this pregnancy but I can't block these thoughts out. "Don't block them out then. Let them run through and while they are running through, feel those emotions. You're working to push all of this down but these are valid feelings you have to worry through to move on. If you need to, write it out. When you're done I want you to remind yourself that you are doing everything you can and need to do in order to avoid past situations. What's done is done and you are not in danger. Your fears are trying to become greater than just a thought. Do not allow yourself to sink back into that mindset." Fear has no room here.

Acrimony: Unhinged ReturnDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora