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Sirius Black has faced alot in his life. From being disowned by his mother at 18 to spending nearly 11 years now in azkaban. He has somehow lost hope to live and who won't when life don't give them a reason to live.

Until.... That day

It was regularly day for him or night he don't know what day it was or what time it was he has long lost the track of those things and somehow that helped him, not knowing how long it has been it kept him as sane as he could be.

And that's not much i tell ya

That time he got a visit for a first time.

And if this wasn't a shock in it self.

Let me tell you who the visitors was.

Lucius Fucking Malfoy

He truly despise that snake but at that moment he didn't feel the hatred that he knew he once felt for this snake.

He don't know why, may be it's because he was the first person he has seen in more then 8 years - he stopped keeping counts after 8 years

"Wha- *cough* " sirius started. "Have some water and get comfortable black" lucius said as he gesture a guard to give sirius water.
"What are you doing here malfoy, did you came here to mock me." Sirius said.
"No black, on the contrary I am here to free you so, let's go your trial is just about -" lucious saw the time and said "Now"

Sirius couldn't process what was happening. One second he was talking with that snake and the next Second he was laying on a bed at St Mungo's

what the fuck just happened.


Stella Katherina Malfoy felt like she was missing something.

She felt restless.

It's like something is right infront of you but you couldn't remember what you are looking for until you see it again.

And that's what happened to her when she was packing her stuff for Hogwarts.

She look through her stash of secrets things and imagin her surprise when she saw nagini sitting on her things hissing at her

"Mistress, where where you. Why didn't you came to meet me sooner. I was so bored sitting here all day."

"What where did you came from? Why are you calling he mistress?" Stella said.

"Mistress don't you remember you brought me that one day from that horrible muggle zoo. Your creature comes there eveyday bringing me food"

"My creature?" Nothing makes sense to her right now

"That small creature that wears towel"

Her eye widen in realisation.

"Dobby!" And she heard a pop.

"Yes Miss star"

She narrowed her eye. Something is seriously wrong.

Stella has a photographic memory so she can never forget anything she knows that so, how come she don't remember anything. Did something Obliviate her

"Dobby tell when did I bought nagini here? "

"On 23 June from the zoo Miss star"

"Now tell me exactly what happened that day the whole day what did I do who did I meet I want to know everything"

Dobby being her personal house elf would naturally know what she did that's his job to know what she is upto and let me tell you he did not disappoint.

So, Stella although she couldn't remember but did gog the overview of her day from her about-to-be-brother-sister-hangout to her date-with-harry-potter.

After hearing everything she felt relieved but at the same time didn't because dobby didn't say a word about how she lost her whole day worth of memories.

"Dobby tell me how I got Obliviate and who did it."

"Do-dobby ca-can spea-speak miss star, bad dobby bad bad bad bad bad dobby" and being the dobby he is he started banging his head to the wall.

"Stop dobby. Don't punish your self"

One thing was clear to her. There are only two person beside her who can overrule her command over dobby.

Her father and her grandfather.

She don't know why they Obliviate her. She want to know the reason for thier actions. She felt betrayed,

Stella katherina Malfoy has never felt this kind of betrayal from her own family.

She was too blind, she knew her family has always been her blind spot.

Now, she has to be careful it's not the time for her to feel heart broken.

She want to just walk up to her dad and ask him why, just why did he do that to her.

But she can't because she ain't a gryffindor. She is a Slytherin. She will not let them know that she is onto them untill she knows exactly Why her family did this to her.

"Dobby do not tell anyone about our conversation today and do let anyone know about nagini either."

"Okay miss star anything else?"

"Yes take me to Gringotts"

"Yes, miss star" and with that both of them pop'ed away.

Yes, a house elf can pop in and out of a manor without restriction and when you pop with them the wards do not intervene.

"Stella Malfoy, I am here here to see my manager, ragnok"

"Room 4 please"

"What can I do what you today Miss Malfoy"

"I need you to make me a ring with runes on them to protect your mind against attacks like legilimens and Obliviate"

"You do know it's quit difficult to create a ring like that."

"But not impossible I am ready to pay any amount name your prize "

" 1 million galleons"

"1.4 million galleons for two rings" her brother should also have one

"1.9 million galleons for two"

"1.3 million gallons for two"

"1.5 million gallons for two, i can't get you a batter price then this Miss Malfoy."

"Alright deal, but I want this in under a week and make it so they could turn invisible"

"Alright, then we will get started right on it"

"Thank you, and as always keep my visits private master ragnkok"


She hope this will be enough for right now atleast.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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