𝐶𝒉𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 3

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7 August 1987,
Malfoy Mansion,

7-year-old Stella set quietly on her permanent spot in their library with a cup of her favorite Da Hong Pao tea and a book about pureblood descendant's on her lap.

She skips through the book trying to find the exact information she is going to need for her next plan.

' Ah, here it is.'

She left her tea behind making her way towards her father's study and remembering her manners she knocks on the door twice. The next second she heard a 'come in'.

"Father, grandfather" she nodded her head in greeting.

" what is it Stella." her father asked placing her quill down.

She took a deep breath.

"father, I apologize. I shouldn't have but-but I couldn't help but overheard your discussion yesterday," she said. Her eyes looking at her feet.

She didn't notice her father moving across his desk. Until he softly lifts her chin, making her look at him in the eye.

"Why are you confessing it" he sigh when he didn't get a reply.

"I am not angry my little star. I know my recent behavior has worried you but you can tell me anything, my princess, anything" he asked softly like always.

"Because I found a solution," she whispered she stated finally.

"And what might that be?" this time her grandfather asked.

" well as you already know. He is not quite dead. he will be back so, we need a solid plan. To get ministry off of our back as well as have the power to face Voldemort." she looks at them and saw them looking at her with their undivided attention so she keeps going.

" We need to first find a way to get rid of the dark mark first," she spoke.

"And who can do that. There is no other person other than the dark lord himself who can remove it." her father said.

" but have you ever thought why is he the only one who can do it? Is it his magic or is it the language? The answer to those questions is a Person Who is both a Parselmouth and a Slytherin descendant," she asked.

Making both of them realize just what she is talking about.

"Morfin Gaunt," both of them said.

" but that's not all. I found it odd That a person who killed every last Parselmouth would leave him all over the world. Is it quite clumsy of him isn't it? So, I dig deeper and found out why......Because dark lord did not want to kill the last magical living relative of his."  she said cooly.

"WHAT" she heard her father.

"But I don't know any Gaunt's other the Merope and Morfin Gaunt." said her grandfather.

"That's because Tom Marvolo Riddle was never one of them. He is a half-blood with a muggle father. Gaunt's never accepted him so, who will be better than the person who hates dark lord for not only making him spend a lifetime in Azkaban but also just existing." she said with a smirk.

𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀 ϟ 𝙷.𝙹.𝙿 | 𝚁.𝙱.𝚆Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant