𝐶𝒉𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 4

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29 August 1990,
Malfoy Manor,

Today is the most important day for the Malfoy's because today can ruin their name or could build it.

Today every camera, every eye will be on them.

They all have a role to play and they have to ace it.

If they play it right. They can achieve so much but if they can't there will be consequences because Today is the trial of Lucius Abraxas Malfoy.


Stella wore her finest dress in the green colour of course with her black heir ring on her hand. Now you will ask how that happened.

Well, that happened when she prevented her maternal grandfather, Cygnus black's death and being the only male alive in the black family after Sirius, who is still in Azkabanhe becomes the lord of the house making his granddaughter his heir, and no one can change that not even Sirius, who will be free soon.

She made her way downstairs and sighed looking at her father's empty seat. He has been taken in by the Aurors a day ago and won't be free till his trial today.

"Good morning Stella" her grandfather's voice made her snap out of her zone.

Zoning out is one of the problems she is having since she has been reborn in this universe and by now everyone in her family knows about it and they just assumed that is one of the downsides of being born as the first female in the Malfoy line much like black madness, But what they don't know is about her Stange dreams and she isn't gonna tell them that anytime soon.

She greeted everyone - her grandfather, mother, and brother - back and started Eating, she was nervous but her brother was worst.

She couldn't imagine how those people would be treating her father in Azkaban.

"dragon you need to eat some food and don't worry Your father will be alright." her mother said sensing her brother's anxiety but her own nervousness didn't do much to comfort them.

"Narcissa is right you have nothing to worry about. Lucius will be back soon but what you do need to worry about right now is your health. So, do eat properly." her grandfather said with more confidence than her mother yet she can't help but note the hint of uncertainty in his voice.

Draco nodded and started eating a bit not wanting to anger his grandfather. After a few bites Stella knew he couldn't take it anymore he was way too anxious to eat right now. But he was helpless against grandfather. Thus, continue eating.

Stella looks at her brother with guilt. She knows he was worried and she could have told him the truth about how they have this whole trial planed out to ease his mind but she couldn't, she just can't break her promise to her father and godfather. So, to minimize her guilt she decided to help her brother in other matters like this one.

"Grandfather, Mother, I am finished," she said and in an instant, her brother spoke.

"I am finished too, can we be excused."

"Alright, you are excused, button will call you in an hour when we have to leave for the trail." abraxas said dismissing them.

Well, they have an hour to kill now, or will it kill them with anxiety.


The trial was huge everyone was present the reporter, the council, the minister, chief warlock and head of DMLE were present and that's exactly what they intended. when the session started the Aurors were ordered to bring out the death eater in question for the trial and the next moment Lucius Malfoy was dragged into the trail chamber by two Aurors, who were pulling the chain attached to Luciu's neck mercilessly, they were treating him worst than a dog. He has dried blood on his face, a black eye and by how he is walking he definitely has a broken leg.

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