𝐶𝒉𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 7

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3 August 1991,
Diagon alley,

Stella was roaming around diagonal alley. Looking for things that can catch her eye. When she saw a scene.

A scene she would have never believed if she have not seen it with her own two eyes.

You tell me if you believe her.
Ronald Weasley, struggling to hold a stack of books. Books! That he can't even see what's ahead.

Even then Stella saw an apportunity. The rat is so going down.


"Yes miss star what can dobby do"

"When that rat falls. you take it as fast as you can then place him in deep sleep and throw him right into 12 Grimmauld Place's Protective wards for grandfather Cygnus"

Then she walked towards the book shop Ronald was.

She tap on his shoulder. "Hello Do you need any help?"

As soon as Ron hear this beautiful voice. he lost his balance and boom everything was on the ground. Even that damn rat

"Oh i am so sorry i didn't mean to sneak up on you like this."
She said as she help Ron collect all the books.

"No, no it was my brother's fault for making me carry all this books for them." He said with a cute smile.

And the next second his expression changed when he realised he is missing something.

"Hey have you seen a rat here. I had my pet rat with me." He asked looking around.

"Yes i did saw a rat it just left towards knockdown alley. I didn't know it was your pet or i would have stopped it" She said.

"Bloody hell, mom will be so mad that i lost my pet." He said a bit disappointed.

"I am so sorry. It must be hard to lose a pet." She asked.

"No, it wasn't mine actually. It was my brother's he gave me because he got a new one." He said.

"So, how about we get you a new pet." She said with excitement.

"You really don't have to. Its fine." He said.

"No, no i feel guilty about making you go Hogwarts without a pet. So i insist." She said.

'she is too kind, i shouldn't take advantage of her but she look so determinent and i would like to spent a bit more time with her.'  ron thought.

"Alright let me just get those books first." He said with a smile.

"Sure. Let me carry some"

They got the books and went to the pet shop.

There were alot of pets but he liked that one black owl so much. It was as if that owl could understand him and looking at the condition of the only owl he has at home that is Percy's, he concluded to take that owl for himself.

"Thank you for this owl" he said with a nice smile.

"You don't need to thank me. I had fun look at those pets with you" she look at the sky and said. "I should probably head back now." she said with a dazzling smile making Ron blush as red as his hair.

"Y-yah i should go find my family too"he said.

"bye ron" she said walking away.

"Bye... Hey i didn't get your name."

But she was gone.

Then he tried to recall what he know about her and it was literally nothing.

'oh marlin, how can he do this. Now, how is he gonna find her. He doesn't even know if he will see her at Hogwarts. Man, that sucks.'

"ronniekins did you get our books" "and if you didn't you will be our next test subject"
At that ron literally shivered.

"ronniekins what is in your hand" " it certainly isn't a book" "more like a bird i would say" "owl to be more precise brother mine" "but how did our ronniekins" "got an owl like this" "care to explain" " or shell we call" " mummy dearest" said fred and George.

"Ronald Weasley where have you been we check the book store and you weren't where you are supposed to be and why do you have an owl with you" molly said while the twins grin at each other.

"Mum a girl sneak up on me and everything i was carrying fell off including Scabbers so she felt guilty that she made me loose my pet and buyed me a new one and i swear i tried to tell her it was alright. She wouldn't listen."

"Its alright dear, what was the girls name i would like to thank her" moly asked.

" Ah that i forgot to ask" he know what was coming.

"Whatttttt, she got you a very nice pet and you didn't even asked her name you better apologies to her young man when you see her next" moly said. While the twins were laughing at his guilty face.

"Alright time to go home boys."

When they got home. They saw Ginny sitting there flipping thought a magical magazine.

"Hey, gin still upset you can't go  to Hogwarts with us this year" ron asked and all he got was a 'hmm'  without even looking at him.

So, he decided to sneak a peek of what she is looking at with so much concentration and there she was At the front cover. No wonder he thought she looked familiar.

He took the magazine from Ginny and run towards the kitchen.

"Hey give me my magazine back ron"

"Mum, mum it was her. she buyed me a pet. Stella Malfoy."

"What you meet her in person! And she got you an owl. Wow"Ginny said.

She and her mother has always been a fan of her style. They know she was a Malfoy. They were pretty popular and she may be have a tinny bit of crush on Draco but you won't hear it from her.

"Yes i meet her, and she was great"

That means he will be seeing her at Hogwarts and He can't be more excited.

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