𝐶𝒉𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 2

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5 December 1983,

Malfoy Manor,


Three-year-old Stella walks with her tiny feet towards a large black door. She tiptoes trying to reach the handle and finally, with her little hands, she opens the door to reveal a very beautiful sight in front of her.

She stood there watching at least 20 house elf's happily working in sync with each other.

She was so busy looking at them she didn't even realize she was talking unconsciously towards them until she tripped upon a mop as soon as they heard the sound every head snapped towards her.

At first, they were shocked to see their young mistress there then the shock converted into happiness and excitement.

"How can we help little miss." one of them asked.

"You can help me by telling your names first" she replied.

Well, big mistake on her part because as soon as those words left her mouth they all started shouting their names together. She could only make out three or four names when the door behind her slam open and everyone got quiet.

"Stella what are you doing down here with house elf's " her father spoke in a bit stern yet soft voice.

"Daddy, I was exploring the manor, and look what I found, New friends. Aren't they just adorable," she said in her sweet childlike voice. Looking at her father with big doe eye-pleasing him to let her be their friends.

Her father's eye softens a bit. He knees down to her level. Brushing her long hair from her face.

"My little star, you can have anyone you want as friends. You are a Malfoy. We always get what we want and if you want friends, I am sure we can arrange some play dates for you with other pure-blood children of your age because those creatures aren't good enough to be friends with my little princess." he said softly trying to explain to her why she can't do what she wants to do.

She pouted at him making her eye even more bigger and innocent. She knows he won't say no to this face.

"But daddy, they live here and yet this place doesn't feel like home to them. I just wanted to help them. They are innocent an-and they do so much for us and instead of a small thank you. They get punished. I-I don't want people hurting them daddy, I don't want you hurting them. Please daddy, if you promise that you and everyone will treat them nicely, then I promise to make some pure-blood friends." she said with tears in her eye.

Lucius wasn't blind. he knew his daughter doesn't like it when he punishes the house-elves or even yells at them. He knew she was protective of those she considers family and it was a matter of time when her kindness extended towards the house-elves.

So, he wasn't surprised to see her standing up for them Like this. It melts his heart every time he sees how brave and kind-hearted his daughter is and she knows damn well how she has everyone wrapped around her figures especially him and yet, it pains him to admit it.

"Alright, I promise," he said.

But looking at her daughter's bright smile, it was totally worth it and he won't trade her for the world even if in his heart he knows, she will definitely be a Gryffindor. 

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