Fiona sets him on the potty in the bathroom. She watches Cam grunt. "Baby, you're constipated I guess." Fiona tells him though she knows Cam doesn't understand what she is saying.

Fiona wipes him again and gets his teeth brushed. Coming out of the bedroom, she sees a bed full of Cam's clothes lying.

"Babe, really?" Fiona asks her girlfriend. "You find it amusing, don't you?" Fiona tickles Cam when he starts giggling.

"Everything is so cute! How am I supposed to choose?" Emma whines, plopping down on the floor.

"You're going to put everything back after we come back." Fiona commands her girlfriend before going over the choices lying on the bed.

Finally, she chooses a cute overalls. She gets Cam dressed and combs his hair before giving him his tablet to play games. The adults, get dressed in the meantime.

"Whewe we goin'?" Cam asks Fiona as she ties his shoe laces. He has gotten attached with the pacifier.

"To buy groceries, baby. And then we are going to eat lunch at a restaurant." Fiona picks him up, walking out of the house. Emma has gotten her car out and has put the stroller in the trunk.

Fiona buckles Cam into his car seat and puts the bag of his essentials next to him. She kisses him on the forehead before getting in the passenger seat.

"Where are we headed, mi 'lady?" Emma jokes.

"Somewhere a little far, maybe? I haven't really explored the town." Fiona replies.

"Your wish is my command." Emma says making Fiona laugh.


Emma gets the stroller out of the trunk while Fiona takes Cam out of the car.

"Nu, mama! Wanna walk!" Cam starts thrashing in Fiona's arms when she tries to put him on the stroller.

"Okay, how about you walk now, and if you get tired or just want to be in the stroller, we put you in it?" Emma tries to reason with Cam. Cam nods.

"Always hold my hand, okay baby" Fiona informs Cam sternly, setting him on the floor. Emma pushes the stroller.

"Yes, mama."


It's been nearly an hour since they are in the store and now Cam's getting a little tired.

Fiona feels Cam lagging behind. She stops Emma and squats down in front of her kid. "Tired, baby?" Fiona asks Cam, rubbing his back.

"Nuuuu, mama." Cam whines.

"Don't lie to mama, pea. I know you're tired." Fiona puts Cam in the stroller and reclines it to sleeping position.

"Here, give him a bottle." Emma hands out a bottle of milk from the little bag Fiona packed.

Fiona takes out the pacifier from Cam's mouth, giving him the bottle.


Fiona and Emma have done their grocery shopping and have put everything in the trunk. Now, they are headed towards to having lunch. The restaurant they chose, is only a thirty second walk, so they decided to use their feet a little. Not all of them though, Cam has fallen asleep in his stroller.

"What can I get for you two ladies?" A young waiter asks them after they are seated.

"We'll have two pasta carbonara, please." Fiona orders for them.

"Anything for the little one?" The young man asks after writing down the order.

"No, he's asleep at the moment." Emma replies politely. The waiter walks away.

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