Chapter 7

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The fastest way to inform almost the whole world about a certain subject is through internet. Being viral due to a video that either entertains the audience or connects to a matter that has been discussed about because it's controversially powerful is one of the reason some people earns the attention of the media.

However, for someone like Lea who had been head of various news reports and inquirer documents, has hundreds and thousands of followers on her social media, and is known both as a young entrepreneur and politically competent; it was most certain that being noticed is normal for her.

The sun hasn't fully risen yet, but Lea was already wide awake. Despite being beaten up from days of working and spending the previous day with Elli, Lea wasn't able to take a good sleep when Zen called her at 4:30 in the morning, informing her that she was once all over social media.

"To delete all the photos is easy, but you know you wouldn't be able to run from the public's eyes. It's been a while ever since a mayor headed news pages' broadsheet, and you've just beaten the Thompson's this last election, which everyone knows are the strongest here in our city, add the fact that you're a newbie pa in politics. You're a point of discussion, eyes are on you."

Zen muttered from the other line while Lea faced her laptop, checking her Facebook and Twitter now and then.


Known as a young-business-tycoon and newly- elected Muntinlupa Mayoress, Lea Galvez, who won against Adriano Thompson by a few thousand votes, was spotted spendinf her day yesterday at Festivals Malls, Alabang. It seemed as if she wasn't alone as candid photos of her enjoying the mall with a young girl and unknown man was taken, posted, and spread all over internet at 5:38 of August 3, 20**.

Now, netizens were wondering if she's already married and has a family, and if she is, why does she need to hide it?

We haven't gotten any confirmation nor denying from her side, so until no one from her side speaks, the chismis remains unsolve.

-Tod Felton.

The post has way over than 15 thousand reacts. Comments was filled with own thoughts of people who were avid followers of the page that started as something satirical.

Lea couldn't believe what she was seeing, there were more people deceived than she could ever foresee. Hence the fact that she hasn't even spoken yet.

" — Hello, Lea? Are you there?"

"A-ah. What was that?"

"I said don't check your social medias muna, there are also news companies calling me, asking if you're available for an interview."

"Schedule it by this night. We need to abolish this issue as soon as possible."

"Nanay? Where are you going po?" Elli came near Lea while holding some dolls. Her head tilted while watching her "parent-figure" glamming herself up.

"I'm going to an interview, why?" The woman proceeded with applying her blush and lipstick.

Elli on the other hand didn't find her tongue as she was flabbergasted with every products for glamour placed on the vanity table.

Lea didn't bother asking her again as she finished her look and tied her hair up in the bun. "So? How do I look?" She faced Elli.

"So pretty po!"

"Nanay?" She complimented and followed it with calling Lea with the motherly address. "Yes?"

"Can I try on the lipstick po?" Her voice softened in timidness, the bear she was holding stuck closer to her body as her feet fidgeted.

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