Chapter 5

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Solicited Yearning

It was a little past midnight, there were no stars in the skies but the bright phosphorescence of the moon filled more light needed to lit up the huge bedroom of hers. There was no hint of hydration occurring as she tried gulping, her mouth was dry and her lips were chapped, she turned, and beside her was now the already cleaned; still nameless little human being.

Her face didn't plaster any sign of tension, unlike earlier when it was stressed by anonymous thoughts. She looked rested and happy. Lea, she might not be fond of children, but the one in front of her made a huge impact, it was undeniable.

Lea would run under the strong rain for no one... that's what she thought.

Because as soon as she saw the little girl, those eyes, she suddenly felt like there was someone drilling a whole inside her heart, it acted as if she's a perfect piece of it. Lea melted for her purity.

The abstraction of her small face baited Lea as she dearly reached for the little girl's long hair that covered almost half of her face and tucked it under her ear. She then drew closer and closer until her lips touched her forehead.

It was an act of compulsion yet wasn't she wasn't remorseful.

Lea's heart quivered with some specific reasoning. Her hands instantly became cold with thoughts of heinousness. Her body felt paralyzed and if it weren't only for the move the child made, Lea might've been out of her mind until the next morning.

She dreaded for some fresh air. Lea moved from the middle of the bed to its corner, she reached for her indoor slippers and diligently stood up to not wake the child up.

The door opened that made a small squeak, she looked at the right side where Aga usually stands at but there wasn't anyone there. Has he finally fallen asleep?

She tracked her way downstairs, admiring the silence and beauty of her own house. The huge art-like chandelier that hung robustly on the highest ceiling, leading a sight to her sofa as you peaked down from the second floor. It was a tantalizing view while ramping through the opened hall to the stairs.

It had never embarked to her how her house was  unnecessarily huge. It was something that fits her lifestyle, but does not really sympathize with her loneliness.

However, everytime Lea gets to go home earlier as her work permits, she couldn't help but carry a pride everytime she reaches her house. No one might welcome her but the helpers and guards (which she knows they do as part of their job) but the still foundation of the huge architectural building makes her realize how far she had come without anyone's help.

Her life has been a chaos ever since she was born. Her parents expected a lot from her, the academic pressure was already too much to handle then the suffocation just increased when they announced that she was going to be the heir of their hospital.

As much as Lea loves serving and helping people: medical assisting, sleepless nights of studying human anatomy, attending years of med-school and forever being stuck in the O.R wasn't a passion that made her leap in enthusiastic anticipation.

However, knowing that politics exists, the kid version of her was more than looking forward to growing up that she was more updated with political issues than actual discrepancies that were happening inside their house.

The lights opened once the technology-powered light switched was touched. Her incentive plan of going to the kitchen was postponed for a little while as her eyes caught a body resting over her sofa.

Her foot took a step, then the other one did too. Her feet had lives of their own as she reached the person's location.

She stared at his face, admiring it. It was more than a work of art.

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