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" ma'am and sir anything you like? ," the attendant ask them.

They are still flying, and Jisoo just woke up from her deep slumber. She drift off to sleep while thinking about what they will do when they get in Paris.

" Can I have some coffee? ," Jisoo asked.

Eunwoo was half asleep beside her.

" Ah, two, please ," Jisoo added.

The attendant nodded, and she exited to the kitchen of the plane to prepare Jisoo and Eunwoo's coffee.

He stirred on his sleep and adjusted with the plane light.

" Hey ," Jisoo greeted him.

" Hey ," Eunwoo greeted back.

" How was your sleep? ," Jisoo asked, starting a conversation with him while he still adjusted to his environment.

" Good. You? ," Eunwoo asked back.

" Good too ," Jisoo replied.

" Are we still flying? ," Eunwoo asked again.

" Yeah. I ordered us coffee. I hope you like it. I did not get the chance to ask you since you look peaceful on your sleep. Sorry ," Jisoo said.

" It's fine. Coffee will help. Thanks ," Eunwoo replied.

The attendant then get back and give them their coffee.

" Thank you ," Jisoo replied.

" We will land in two hours ma'am and sir, so if you want, you can take another nap again. I'll go now. Enjoy your coffee ," the attendant said.

Jisoo and Eunwoo nodded. Jisoo sips her coffee

" I never knew that airplane coffee tastes this good ," Jisoo said.

" Me too. I am not ordering anything except water when I'm flying ," Eunwoo replied.

" Food tastes bad in plane rides. I'm not sure if I can swallow it to my throat ," Jisoo explains why she's not eating on the plane.

" I hate to eat when flying too. I feel like it's not worth it ," Eunwoo explains to his side too.

" What do you think? Is it daytime or nighttime in Paris now? ," Jisoo asked while looking outside the plane in a little circle shaped window.

" Right we did not get to research about how far and how late or advance their time from Korea ," Eunwoo said remembering that they did not know where they are going just when they are on board the plane and when Jisoo remember to ask the attendant.

" Yeah, they did not play fair ," Jisoo replied.

" If it's still daytime there, we should look around, or do you have a jet lag? ," Eunwoo asks Jisoo.

She looks at him," That sounds good to me and no, husband. I don't get jet lagged if the country I'm going is like Paris."

" Same. I prepared to travel and look around the City ," Eunwoo replied.

" That's good to hear. I now have a travel buddy with me ," Jisoo said, smiling at him.

" It's good to have someone to talk to while traveling like this and to add with that with my beautiful wife ," Eunwoo replied, flirting with Jisoo.

Jisoo laughs and holds her mouth from laughing louder.

" Am I that bad? ," Eunwoo asked, also laughing at his attempt to flirt with her.

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