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Eunwoo woke up with sunlight shining through the window. He looked beside him, and he saw a sleeping Jisoo with light breaths and a parted lips.

" You look so peaceful sleeping ," Eunwoo said, looking at her.

Then he looked beside their bedside table and he saw the book Jisoo was reading last night.

" I guess I slept last night while she's reading the book ," Eunwoo said while looking at the book that Jisoo asked him to read with her.

And then Jisoo slowly stirred. Eunwoo panicked, and he positioned himself while pretending to be busy himself. Jisoo slowly opens her eyes, adjusting to lights that hit her face when she wakes up. She looked around, slowly registering where she was, and then she saw Eunwoo.

Jisoo looks at Eunwoo while he is pretending to be busy.

' his hair is a bit messy, and his morning face is really handsome. How cute. I know he is pretending to be busy how adorable! ,' Jisoo thought.

" Good morning ," Jisoo said.

" Oh, you are awake ," Eunwoo said.

Jisoo can clearly see that he was pretending to be busy.

" Why are you not saying good morning to me too? ," Jisoo mocks him.

Eunwoo scratches the back of his head.

" Ah, good morning? ," Eunwoo said.

Jisoo laughs, and she sits up.

" Ahm, how was your sleep? ," Eunwoo asked, clearing his throat.

" It's good. You? You slept like a baby last night ," Jisoo replied.

" A baby? ," Eunwoo asked.

" Yeah, like an infant ," Jisoo said, mocking him again.

" Then I guess I'm cute ," Eunwoo said, laughing to himself.

" Well then, baby, let's have breakfast. Shall we? ," Jisoo still mocks him.

" Of course, let me just wash my face and brush my teeth first ," Eunwoo replied, and he stood up and got inside the bathroom.

" Of course, let me just wash my face and brush my teeth first ," Eunwoo replied, and he stood up and got inside the bathroom

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Jisoo was left laughing to herself like she's laughing at some joke. Then she stood up to look at her luggage and find an outfit for the day. She chose a pretty yellow sundress, and she matched it with her cute brown sandals with her sunglasses and then a shoal. And then Eunwoo got out of the bathroom.

" Are you done already? ," Jisoo asked him, standing up.

" Yeah ," and then he saw her outfit.

" Are you wearing that for today? ," Eunwoo asked.

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