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"Yes, actually, that was an unexpected incident," Eunwoo replied.

Mr. Judge sat straight on his chair, staring intently at Eunwoo.

Jisoo was too stunned to utter any word.

"How about you, Mrs. Lee? Do you know about this?," the judge asked Jisoo, still referring to Eunwoo's photo.

"No," Jisoo replied, telling the truth.

"So... I think I get the reason why you two have "cool off" as you call it. Mr. Lee, everybody will think that you cheated if they figured out everything from the previous photos to this one," Mr. Judge said, especially at Eunwoo.

"I know, sir," Eunwoo replied.

"Mrs. Lee, are you there when this incident happened? " Mr. Judge asked Jisoo this time.

"Yes, I'm inside the grocery store with Eunwoo, but I only know about that when my friends saw it from x app being a trend," Jisoo replied.

"It seems like the problem is only with Mr. Lee, huh? Too handsome to handle am I right Mrs. Lee?," Mr. Judge jokingly asked Jisoo.

'Shit shit shit! This is the reason why Jisoo asked to be far away from me even for a one whole damn week,' Eunwoo thought.

"But there's no relationship between the two of you Mr. Lee?," Mr. Judge asked Eunwoo again.

"We are just friends sir," Eunwoo replied immediately.

"If you say so. That brings me Mrs. Lee let me ask you something also," Mr. Judge asked Jisoo.

Jisoo look at him and nodded her head.

"Do you want yo be rematch?," Mr. Judge abruptly asked.

Eunwoo stood up from his seat. He did not like what the Judge said.

"Sir that was very unrespectful!," Eunwoo said he wanted to slam his fist on the table in front of them but he can't cause any harm in front of his wife.

"Why Mr. Lee? I'm just asking Mrs. Lee here if she still wants to stay as Mrs. Lee or other man's Mrs," Mr. Judge replied at Eunwoo who was controlling his building anger towards the judge.

Jisoo closes her eyes and think deeply. She is weighing everything that happened for the past weeks.

Eunwoo immediately face Jisoo and get down on his knees.

"Please. Don't... don't leave me... please Jisoo... please," Eunwoo said looking at Jisoo intently from his kneeling position.

"You sure you don't commit cheating Mr. Lee?," Mr. Judge asked again.

This time Jisoo face the judge in front of them with her husband still kneeling on the floor.

"Sir with all due respect my husband is not like that he did not commit anything aside being committed to his work and to this marriage and yes I don't know about what happened with that photo but I assure you sir that we already talked about this as husband and wife and yes this is the reason why we fought," Jisoo said.

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