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" Rise and shine! ," Jisoo energetically said.

Eunwoo was inside his room doing his morning routine when he heard Jisoo's voice.

" She thought I was still asleep. That's why she's shouting ," Eunwoo said to himself while combing his hair.

" Is he deep in sleep? Well, I'll cook breakfast then ," Jisoo said to herself, looking at Eunwoo's unopened bedroom door.

She walk in their kitchen and search their pantry, looking for something to cook and fill their stomachs because they have a long day ahead. Again.

Eunwoo gets out of his room. He walks to the kitchen too. He found Jisoo now scrambling eggs on a bowl.

" You know you can knock on my door ," Eunwoo suddenly said.

Jisoo looked behind her, and she saw him.

" You were awoke? ," Jisoo asked.

Eunwoo nodded his head.

" Next time, just knock on my door ," Eunwoo said again.

" Sorry. Am I too loud? ," Jisoo asked, holding her spatula to fry the beaten eggs.

" No. You were just loud ," Eunwoo replied.

" You want bacon? ," Jisoo asked, changing the subject while she's frying the first egg that she had beaten.

" Anything that can fill my stomach will do ," Eunwoo replied.

" Not yet hungry? ," Jisoo asked again but without looking at him because she's focusing on her cooking.

" Just a little ," Eunwoo replied again.

He was watching Jisoo busy cooking their breakfast when he suddenly got a message. His phone inside his pajama pocket.

Office of the Secretary
Hello! Greetings! Random inspection is expected to be this morning. Make sure you and your partner are awake already. Thank you!

" surprise inspection? ," He asked, looking at his phone.

" Excuse me, are you talking to me? ," Jisoo asked.

" No. But I received a message ," Eunwoo said.

" Do you mind if I ask who it is from? ," Jisoo asked.

She's not sure if she should ask that because it's his privacy. Even though they are considered married, they don't marry for love. But for the law.

" Why would you ask that? ," Eunwoo asked back.

" I don't know. Maybe because I just consider your privacy? ," Jisoo said more like asked but without looking at Eunwoo.

Eunwoo furrowed his eyebrows.

" Are you done frying the eggs? ," Eunwoo asked.

" Just one more left ," Jisoo replied.

" I hope they won't arrive before that egg got cooked ," Eunwoo muttered to himself.

* Ding dong

" No way ," Eunwoo said.

" Who's at the door this early in the morning? ," Jisoo asked.

She was now placing the last egg on a plate.

Eunwoo stood up, " Is that the last egg? "

Jisoo nodded.

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