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Eunwoo and Jisoo drop Sanha at YG.

" I'm relieved that you are fine, Jisoo. I really am," Sanha said once they took off the van.

" Thank you for the concern, Sanha. I appreciate it," Jisoo replied.

" Will that Jinyoung get what he deserves?," Sanha asks Jisoo and Eunwoo.

" For sure, he will. He even fakes his status," Eunwoo replied.

" Yeah, that fraud," Sanha agreed.

" Well, anyway, I should get going. I bet the boys are waiting for the update. Oh, and Jisoo, they are worried too," Sanha added.

" Tell them I'm fine and that you can visit me in YG if you want," Jisoo replied.

" They will be thrilled to hear that. Then I'll get going. Bye Mr and Mrs take care," Sanha said, waving his hand.

" Please take us to our village," Jisoo said to the driver of the YG van service.

" I think we should call our driver to pick us up here," Eunwoo suggests.

" No need for that," Eunwoo's manager said.

" Ma'am," Eunwoo said, noticing her.

" Good evening, ma'am," Jisoo also greeted her.

" Hi, you must be Jisoo. I'm so sorry for what happened," Eunwoo's manager said.

" It's okay, ma'am. I'm fine. I'm not hurt, but thank you for your concern," Jisoo replied politely.

" You can tell the driver to go back to YG. We have prepared a vehicle for you to ride on no buts," Eunwoo's manager said.

Jisoo was speechless, and so does Eunwoo.

" Thank you for your generosity, ma'am," Eunwoo said.

" It's fine. This is the least we can do. So now get in so that you can have your rest both. It was a tough day," Eunwoo's manager replied.

The YG van took off with Jisoo, thanking the driver and Eunwoo, giving a tip while the van that fantagio gave was opening the door.

" Thank you," Jisoo said.

Eunwoo's manager stay until they are out of her sight.

" Are you fine?," Eunwoo asks Jisoo.

Jisoo nodded, " Just a bit shaken, but I'm fine."

" I'm so sorry I'm not there," Eunwoo said, apologizing.

" No one knows that it will happen," Jisoo replied.

" Still," Eunwoo insists.

" Shh. I'm fine. I'm not harmed, and I'm inside YG Entertainment they will not let anything bad happen to me," Jisoo assured him.

" I know. I'm sorry. I am just—," Eunwoo was cut off by Jisoo caressing his face.

" I know, I know. Even me, I'll do the same if I'm on your shoe," Jisoo explained.

Eunwoo lean in to her touch, and he snuggled his face on her neck.

" Ah, are you the one who's in shock or me?," Jisoo asked jokingly.

Eunwoo looked at her and smiled.

" Sorry, I can't help it," Eunwoo replied and got back to his place on Jisoo's neck.

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