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Jisoo woke up feeling light and happy. No one disturbed her about waking up really early to do exercise and practices. She just sleeps soundly and wakes up when her eyes want her to. She got up and did her morning routine, and then she checked her phone.

1 unread message

Office of the Secretary
Greetings, Mrs Lee! Congratulations! Today is your first day for the marriage seminar. Please go together with your husband at 9:00 in the morning. Thank you!

" Ow. Should I reply to this? I better ask Eunwoo ," Jisoo muttered, and she left her phone inside her room.

She got out of her room wearing her night wear. She found Eunwoo in the kitchen, making them both breakfast.

" Good morning ," she greeted.

Eunwoo looked back at her, and then he smiled.

' Oh! That smile! ,' Jisoo thought.

" Morning. Here, have breakfast. I cook pancakes ," Eunwoo said, giving Jisoo a plate with pancakes with syrup.

" Thank you. Have you received a message? ," Jisoo asked.

Eunwoo sits on his own chair, applying syrup on his own plate of pancakes.

" Oh, about the marriage seminar ," Eunwoo said.

Jisoo nodded her head.

" Guess I better take a bath after we eat ," Eunwoo said, sipping his cup of coffee.

" Yeah, I'll do the dishes ," Jisoo replied, eating her pancake.

" No. You can take a bath first. I know how long a woman takes on preparing ," Eunwoo replied.

" No. But thank you for the offer. I'll do the dishes. Besides, it's still early ," Jisoo replied.

" It's 8:01 in the morning, Jisoo ," Eunwoo said.

Jisoo stopped munching her pancake, and she looked at him. Eunwoo point at the small clock in their kitchen.

" Oh my ," Jisoo said.

" Don't panic. Enjoy your food. Take your time to eat ," Eunwoo said.

" I overslept. I can't believe it ," Jisoo said more to herself than to Eunwoo.

" It's alright. I just woke up, I think, 15 minutes before you do. Yeah ," Eunwoo replied.

" I never overslept ever since I become a trainee ," Jisoo said, not believing that she just overslept like a kid.

" Me too because we have time to oblige ," Eunwoo said, remembering his trainee days also that become over just a day after their marriage.

" Yeah, and too much pressure ," Jisoo replied, munching on her food.

" I have never imagined that I will get to see you this up close ," Eunwoo blurted out of the blue.

Jisoo, stop eating. She stared at Eunwoo. He seems to be flustered about what he said.

" Sorry if I creep you out. You can distance yourself if you like. Sorry ," Eunwoo immediately said.

Jisoo seems to be processing what he said she's still stating at him.

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