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(Eryn POV)

The explosions rocked the world. It rattled the very sun from its loyal orbit. Wilbur braced himself against the rock he'd once stood fearlessly on, and watched the mountains fall.

Yes, the voices chorused, this was always meant to be.

Wilbur had been here before. He'd dreamt it. He'd lived it. As an avalanche of rocks and earth cascaded into the valley—crushing anyone unfortunate enough to be left behind, friend or foe—Wilbur felt a tug of familiarity at his core. His ears rung from the violence of it all—the voices, the screaming, the blasts that went on and on and on.

Flocks of birds soared up into the sky, disturbed from their perches. They were the only survivors.

When the dust settled, all Wilbur could see was a pile of devastation where the Blue Valley used to be. Their enemies, crushed by the thousands or buried alive on Wilbur's orders. And their allies...

Wilbur bent over the ground, and vomited.


Wilbur's ears were still ringing. He heaved the last of his stomach's contents, coughing up blood and spittle. There was no end to it.


I staggered up to the two, my katana dripping with blood. "Wilbur-" I started before Tommy cut me off.

Wilbur turned, almost afraid of what he would find behind him.

Tommy, his face pale, his eyes wide and staring, as if he had never seen Wilbur before.

"Tommy," Wilbur croaked. Stop looking at me like that. Look away. Look away. Look away.

"What..." Tommy's voice was so small. "What the fuck did you just do?"

"What the fuck did he do?" the war god demanded. He tried moving towards the king and the prince, but Techno was there, forever blocking his way. "Don't take another step." Techno raised his trident, its prongs aimed towards the war god's chest. 

"Your army is gone. There is nothing left to fight for." "You bastard," the god growled, his obsidian sword trembling in his grip. "You think this hurts me? I died years ago." Techno took a deep breath. His hands still reeked of sulfur.

"Come, then," he said, exhaustedly. Blood for the blood god. "I shall kill you again." The war god jumped towards him, starting the cycle anew.

(3rd person POV)

"You said 'no more secrets.'" Tommy's nails dug bloody crescents into his palm. "You promised, Wilbur."

They were all dead. They were all dead, because of the man that Tommy couldn't bear to call his brother. He wanted to dig into his skin and rip out every part that was Wilbur's. He wanted to gut himself, tear it all apart from the inside out, if that was what it took to the get rid of the screaming in his head.

Wilbur wasn't meeting his eyes. Tommy marched up to him and grabbed him roughly by the collar.

"Fucking look at me, you piece of shit!" Tommy screamed. The ground was still shaking, or maybe it was just him. Hot tears spilled down his cheeks, tears of a rage too big for his body. "How long have you been planning this? Was it from the beginning? Did you look our people in the eyes and never bothered telling them you were leading them to the slaughterhouse?"

"Some of them had to have survived," Wilbur whispered, his words almost lost to the winds. "I warned them." Tommy shook him violently. "That's not the fucking point!" he sobbed. Wilbur finally looked at him, but there was nothing behind his dark eyes. 

"I did what I had to do, Tommy," was all he said.

Tommy shoved him viciously away. His hands felt dirty. He felt unclean. In his head, he could still hear the strings of a lonely guitar, playing over the soft laughter of soldiers that were now simply... gone. Gone in a flash, between one breath and the next. It had come so easily to Wilbur.

Would it come easily to Tommy, too? "You fucked up," Tommy spat. "You fucked up, Wilbur." "Tommy—" Wilbur reached out for him, but Tommy flinched back. "Don't fucking touch me!" 

(Eryn POV)

Oh shit. Here we go again. "Tommy, I'm sure he meant the best for you. It was best if you didn't know, or you'd interfere or try to stop us-" He glared at me. "I thought I knew you. Guess I was wrong."

I stilled at his words. I hoped he didn't mean that. I really hoped.

In battle, when two opponents were evenly matched—in strength, in wisdom, in anger—it would only take one thing to bring it all down. One soldier. One mistake. One move.

The war god had seen his fair share of battles, and had won all of them, except one. The only battle to matter, and he'd lost everything, because a blood god had decided to throw his lot in with the opposing forces. One soldier. 

Afterwards, the war god had dragged himself through the battlefield, his throat burning from screaming his lover's name into the quiet sky. When he'd found him, the war god had crawled towards his broken body, curling around it as if he could somehow warm it back to life, and he had stayed there for years, letting the moss and the weeds grow over the two of them. 

He would have stayed there forever, beside the carcass rotted down to the bones, but a fire had grown inside him, a fire that would not be satiated until he had the head of the god that taken everything from him.

Now here he was, facing off against the very culprit. It was a bloody dance. The war god slashed and the blood god parried. The blood god lunged and the war god ducked. Like the push and pull of the tides, drawn to each other by a gravity of violence.

But all the war god needed, he knew, was a single chance. He would not waste it. "Don't fucking touch me!" The words were the high-pitched shriek of a frightened child. A familiar sound on a battlefield, indistinguishable from every scream that came before it.

But the blood god turned towards it, leaving his defenses completely open. One mistake.

The war god raised his sword high above his head. It was very difficult to kill a god, but not impossible. In the right hands—like the hands of a warrior with fire in his heart and carnage in his smile—it would only take one blow.

Goodbye, blood god, he thought. My vengeance is complete. Not on my watch. I lunged forward, katana glittering. "LOOK OUT-" I yelled, before I tripped, smushing my face on the ground. No...not again...

"NOOOO-" I screamed. Time seemed to stop.



uhh welp byeeee

have a good day, afternoon or night wherever you are!

byeeeeee mah bootyful muffins!!

Things That Need To Pass (passerine!Technoblade x OC) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now