"Sooooo... Mind Explaining?"

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(Eryn POV)

I looked at Techno with a skeptical face. His face was tinted pink, and obviously he's blushing. "Techno? Are you okay? You're blushing." He whips his head around. "I'm not." he said curtly. I rolled my eyes.

"Sureeee." I drawl out, mimicking him. He glares at me. "That is NOT how I sound like-" he snarls in a low voice as we approach the guards. "Hello! Are you guys travellers?" one of the guards ask. I snort at their defenceless stances. 

"Maybe we are." Techno drawls, indulging the guards. "Well, why didn't you say so? Come in!" The guards moved so we could enter. I raised my eyebrows, but dragged Techno in anyway. "Whoa- Eryn, you're excited about this." Techno says, surprised.

"Of course! Maybe we'll find something we can use or something, then take over!" I joke, sensing Techno's bloodlust, or that's what I sensed. "Ha ha, very funny." Techno glares at me playfully, and I chuckle.

"Let's go in! Come on! " I run in, and see some portraits. I freeze after I see one of the particular paintings. Techno looks confused. "Eryn? Why'd you stop-" I also freeze. It was a family painting, all of them looking content and peaceful.

So it wasn't their defence making this city peaceful. It was their king. Of course. With so many people out there, what were the chances of this happening? Not a lot. So I was really shocked. "Who're you? " I look down to see a brown haired boy, maybe about the age of the one in the painting.

His eyes seemed to be staring at the depths of my soul, perhaps searching for something. "Wilby!" a shrill voice echoed throughout the vast castle. I could see Techno instinctively reach for his sword as he realised it was the same boy from the painting.

The prince. He was a tall, lean thing, his face still holding the faint traces of boyhood. He couldn't have been more than fourteen. In the painting, he'd been grinning, forever immortalized in delight. 

But here, he was staring, his dark eyes unnaturally focused, as if Techno and me were some particularly interesting books he was quietly picking apart in his head. Techno told me that he deemed to have seen that expression many times in the faces of wizened generals looking over battlefield arrangements.

I didn't really understand, but I nodded anyway. Then I heard the same shrill voice. "Wilby! Wait for me!" the first voice called again, closer this time, and heralding the appearance of another child around the bend of the hallway. 

By his lavish attire and the small army of servants following fretfully after him, this could only be the younger prince, barely more than a baby in the painting but now a rather loud six-year-old. I stared back at the older prince.

Wilby? Really? Phil couldn't have named his son that, could he? The younger prince marched purposefully towards his older brother—Wilby?—and clung decidedly to his side as they both stared up at Techno and I.

"And who are you?" the small prince said, in what he must have intended to be a threatening tone. But he sounded only like he really was: a child. "Visitors," said Techno, unsure of what he was meant to say now. I glared at him. Really? Visitors? Jeez, Techno was really bad at lying.

"Have you come to have an audience with our father?" the older prince asked in a decidedly more level tone. "You can't," the younger prince snapped at once, tightening his hold on his older brother's shirtfront. 

"Dad promised today was our day with him, so you can just leave now, thank you!" the younger prince declared. "Tommy, calm yourself." the older prince said sternly. "But Wilbur, Dad said—" Tommy started before the older prince cut him off.

"I know what Father said, Tommy." The older prince—Wilbur, then, not Wilby; gods know what Techno and I would have said and done if the man had truly named his son Wilby—was still staring at Techno like a vulture waiting for a dying animal to drop. 

"So, visitors, what are your business here?" Wilbur asked.


Yarsss another chapter done!!!!

Okay also bc I copy and pasted some passerine lines here pls dont kill meh!

and also sorry Blujamas, thcscus if this makes you uncomfortable, let me know if i should not do this again! thanks!

Have a good day, afternoon, or night wherever you are!

byeee mah bootyful muffins!!

Things That Need To Pass (passerine!Technoblade x OC) {COMPLETED}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang