Braided Hair And Memories (2)

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(Wilbur POV)

My lungs began to ache with the quickness of my breaths. "You do?" I sounded like a child, seeking comfort from a distant figure. But there was too much pain to make room for shame.

"I do," Technoblade said. "So breathe with me, until they go away, and we can figure out the next step together."

That was all we did. We breathed. In, and out, and in again. Technoblade's hand on my wrist and the sickly-sweet smell of rotting flowers keeping me rooted to the ground. To the universe.

In, and out, and in again.

And in between one breath and the next, I finally remembered where I'd heard the name Technoblade before.

"Father—he..." I swallowed down a sob. "He told me a story once, when I was young. The first time the voices ever... talked to me. He told me a story about an immortal god, who was doomed to hear voices in his head forever. A blood god. Technoblade. You're a god?"

"Don't worry about that now." His voice was distant, but kind. "It doesn't matter."

"But I don't remember how the story ended." Exhaustion was a heavy blanket, weighing me down until I was leaning on Technoblade's shoulder. My throat felt raw, like I'd eaten broken glass.

This story has no end, the voices said, but they sounded distant, too.

"Tell me how the story ends," I begged, even as I felt the last of my consciousness slowly fracture into nothingness. "Tell me you'll still be here when I close the book."

"Wilbur, I—" Technoblade mumbled something too low to hear, and then he said, "Okay. I'll be here."

I wanted to say more, or perhaps I didn't.

Outside, somewhere far away, bells began to toll, chiming mother's death ballad. Heralding my ascension.

Tell the boys I'm sorry. My father's voice this time, as quiet as the rest.

In between one breath and the next, I was king. In between one breath and the next, I was asleep.

(Flashback end)

I exhaled. It all still seemed unreal. Like I wouldn't be king. That father would come back and wake me up. Like I would still be in a dream. Such a terrible dream. But he didn't. He didn't come back. 

This wasn't a dream. I'd just have to accept that. 

(Eryn POV)

Ugh...I really had to get a cup of tea after that. Or coffee. Either one. As I walked down the hallway, I could see Wilbur hiding in a corner of his room when I passed it. Weird. I knocked on the door to see if I could come in.

"Are you okay, kid?" I sat down beside him, a few inches away if he needed space. "No...I'm not..." he seemed to look downcast. I said softly, "You wanna tell me about it? " I saw him nod. He started telling me what had happened. 

"And...I'm gonna be king. And father disappeared." He concluded, and I drew my hands into fists quietly at the last part. Did he really disappear? Again? I really wanted to know why, but looking back at Wilbur, I don't think he knows, either.

I sigh. "This isn't really the first time for me, though..." I say before clapping my hand to my mouth. I don't think I was supposed to say that. "I and Tech. It ain't the first time that this has actually happened. "

"Really? Can you...tell me what happened?" he looked at me curiously. I sighed. I tried to explain it to him a bit more simpler, but he seemed to understand. "So...he left you and Technoblade when you two were...sparring?" he said, tilting his head to a side.

"Yeah...we spar every morning if we got time when Phil was still around. Then we'd fight for our lives." I shrug. I didn't elaborate. I think he knew what I meant. What I didn't know was that Tommy was trying to eavesdrop. But he couldn't hear anything. Thankfully.


brooooo Tommy being nosyyyy



how the heck did we get to 43 reads?!?!

thankssssssssss sooooo much my muffinsss!!!!

have a good day, afternoon or night wherever you are!

byeeeeeeee mah bootyful muffins!!!

Things That Need To Pass (passerine!Technoblade x OC) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now