Wilby POV lmao

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(Wilbur POV)

I did not know what to make of the visitor. The traveler. Whatever he was.

Father had come down to the garden with him and another person, and I could tell he was sad. He didn't know if the visitors had been the cause, or something else. Someone else.

"A formal introduction is in order," Father had told me and Tommy. "This is Technoblade. An old friend. He'll be tutoring you for a while, Wilbur."

I had stared up at the man, seeing him in the soft morning light at last. Technoblade. Tommy was right—it was a pretty dumb name. And one I had heard before, though he wasn't sure where.

He was tall and lean, and most likely a few years older than me. He was dressed like him, too, with poofy sleeves that Tommy always said made him look like an old man. An emerald earring hung from Technoblade's left ear, similar to the one that Father wore on a golden chain around his neck, tucked secretively under his dress shirt. 

Was he some sort of royalty, too, then? Some foreign prince or a distant cousin that Father never bothered to tell me about? Father kept many secrets; this may just be one of a million.

Technoblade had taken one look at me, nodded, and then said, "We'll start at dawn," before leaving them.

I had stared after him, perplexed. "What...?"

Father had struggled to keep a smile off his face. "That's Techno for you."

Now they were sitting in the dining hall, each to their own thoughts—except Tommy, whose thoughts must always come out of his mouth, regardless of who was or wasn't listening.

"—and Wilbur tripped me but I got up very quickly, you saw that didn't you, Dad? Dad? Didn't you?"

"I saw, I saw," Father said distractedly. He was staring down at his half-eaten plate as if it held the secrets of the universe. I assumed he was only doing it so he wouldn't be staring at Mother's empty seat.

She'd been taking more and more of her meals in their bedroom. Tommy hadn't noticed yet, but I did. I always did. "And this Techno fellow, he's a bit of an odd one, isn't he? Will he be training me, too? Will I have to wake up at dawn like Wilbur?"

I grimaced. "Please don't remind me, Tommy." Tommy stuck his tongue out at him from across the table. "It's not like you have any other plans. I'm sure you'll just be staying up reading again." He gestured dramatically to himself. "I, for one, would love to be under the tutelage of Mister Technoblade, stupid as his name may be."

The two of them turned to their father—one with starry-eyed expectation, the other with morbid curiosity. Father sighed fondly before ruffling Tommy's hair. "Sorry, little bud. Maybe we can find someone else for you. I'm sure the Captain would be willing to—"

"But I want the Blade," Tommy whined.

I snorted. "Yeah, as if you could even wake up early enough. You'll still be in bed by noon, I can see it now."

Father gave mer a cheeky grin he only reserved for his eldest son. "Tell you what, Tommy, if you can wake up with Wilbur, then you can watch him train with Techno."

"Truly?" Tommy kicked back from the table, nearly upsetting Father's glass of wine. "Good night, then! Early to bed, early to the prize, as they always say!" I almost choked on my glass. 

"Who says that?" I said, but Tommy had already gone off, leaving Wilbur with their father and the silence.

For a while, the only sound were utensils scraping against plates and my heartbeat in my ears. I would never admit it to Tommy or anyone, but my relationship with Father was always better with my brother around. It wasn't that I didn't love him, or that I thought hie didn't love me. I  couldn't remember it happening, but somewhere along the way of studying warfare and politics, of staring up at the throne that would one day be mine, of learning how to be a prince, I'd forgotten how to be a son.

And sometimes, when Father thought he couldn't see, Father would look at him with a bottomless grief, like he was mourning something already lost.

It should be Tommy, I had thought. Sunny Tommy, who managed to charm everyone he met, in spite of—or perhaps because of—his loud disposition. Not me. Not when Father looked at me like that.

I swallowed the last of my dinner and was set to go, if not for him speaking once more.

"Wilbur?" I looked up. "Yes, Father?"

Father leaned against his hand as he considered me. "Do you want me to be there for you tomorrow?"

I scoffed halfheartedly. "I'm not a child, Father."

"Of course," Father said. "But Technoblade is still a stranger to you."

I pursed my lips as he thought about his father's words. "Do you trust him?"

"Yes," Father replied at once.

I nodded. "Then I trust him."

Father stared at me for a long minute, and then nodded. There was nothing else to say, it seemed, and so I left, leaving him to the quiet.


a break from Eryn and Techno POVs cuz im bored and yeah sorry

I'll get to the good parts soon-

And yeah that's all lmao have a nice-

*Phone rings*

"Yeah? I'm trying to do a monologue here, so fuck off- Wait. Haiz, I'm coming, jeez. Later."

*Hangs up*

Okayyyy have a nice day, afternoon, or night wherever you are!

byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee mah bootyful muffins!!

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