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Oh, how I wish I was as good as him. 

(Eryn POV)

So, from what I'd heard from Phil via crow, Kristen had taken to waking late, and took her breakfast in her room. They'd visit her there, Wilbur and Tommy, but she'd often be too tired to speak at all. Tommy tried to introduce Technoblade to her once, but she was already asleep again by the time they arrived at her bedchambers.

"Probably for the best," Technoblade had said. "I've been told I don't make great first impressions with mothers, mostly because I met them after I'd just slaughtered their children." "Please reserve the morbid jokes for after Tommy's gone to bed, Technoblade," Wilbur said.

"What does slaughtered mean?" Tommy asked.

"I tickled them," Technoblade said.


"To death."


Wilbur had hit Technoblade on the shoulder, but he was laughing, too.

Three months in, Technoblade finally relented to letting Wilbur practice long-ranged weapons, which turned out not to be his forte after all. The session had to stop after Wilbur almost took Tommy's eyes out with an arrow. Tommy was inconsolable.

"So, this was a manly whine?" I grinned. Tommy only cried harder, if it was possible. "Please don't tell Father," Wilbur begged as he kneeled in front of his wailing brother, wiping Tommy's cheeks as fast as the tears came. "It was an accident, Tommy."

Technoblade was cackling, leaning against one of the pavilion's sculpted pillars. "You should see your face!" he managed to wheeze out between his guffaws. "Oh, gods, this is too hilarious—" I elbow him in the ribs.

Wilbur turned to glare at him. "You do know, if he tells Father, that it means you're in trouble, too?"

Technoblade snorted. "I'm not scared of your father." I looked to Techno in surprise.

There it was again. The arrogant dismissal, as if Phil were nothing to him. Wilbur clenched his jaw to keep the barbed remarks from spilling.

Tommy was still wailing, his tiny face turning red from the effort.

"Okay," Technoblade said after a long moment. "That's getting annoying now. Stop."

Tommy didn't. "Hah, and now you're concerned?" I snicker. "Oh, shut up." he shoves me gently. And then he turned back to the wailing Tommy.

"Tommy, stop," Technoblade said more loudly.

Tommy stopped, only to wipe his nose on his sleeve, hiccup, and then wail again.

"What's wrong with him? That usually works," Technoblade grumbled, stalking closer to them with the caution of a hunter approaching a wild animal.

"Welcome to the world of big brotherhood," Wilbur replied bitterly, still wiping gently at Tommy's face. "We hope you enjoy your stay, but most likely you will suffer."

Technoblade came to kneel beside Wilbur.

"Tommy," Technoblade demanded. "That is very irritating, what you are doing. Please quieten down."

Tommy responded by crying louder.

"Oh, for the love of—What will it take for you to shut up? I'll do anything at this point." I froze. Even though I don't have siblings, I know you're NEVER supposed to say that. And Wilbur probably was as alarmed as me.

The crying stopped immediately.

"Oh, gods." Wilbur put his face in his hands. "You're not supposed to say that, Techno. You're never supposed to say that!"

"What? What?" Technoblade demanded, panic seeping into his voice for the first time since Wilbur met him. "What did I do? What the hell did I do?" I grinned even wider at Techno's reaction.

Tommy sniffled. "You said you'll do... anything?"

Realization dawned on Technoblade's face. "Well, not anything, per se..." "Heh." I snorted.

Tommy's eyes began to water once more.

"Okay, okay, okay." Technoblade ran his hands across his face in frustration. "Fine. One thing, and you'll shut up forever."

"I want to braid your hair," Tommy said at once. A flash of surprise crossed Techno's face for a moment.

Technoblade blinked. "What?"

"What?" Wilbur echoed. "You once got me to let you ride me like a pony across the castle, and you ask him to let you braid his hair?"

Tommy nodded with all the solemnity of a judge announcing someone's death sentence. Wilbur and Technoblade exchanged glances—Technoblade, one of bewilderment, and Wilbur, one of utmost betrayal. I grinned even wider, then skipped back to my spectator's seat.

(Wilbur POV)

That was how we found ourselves wasting the morning away, sitting together on the damp grass. I leaned back on my hands and raised my face to the sun, letting the light settle against my skin. I could hear Tommy scurrying around, gathering flowers, as the spring breeze blew through the garden.

For a moment, all I could feel was a sudden, all-consuming affection—not for anything in particular. For everything. For the brilliant spinning wheel in the sky turning everything into burnished gold. For the soft dirt beneath my hands. For the air in my lungs and the pollen on my tongue. For the distant sound of my brother's footsteps. For the boy sitting beside me that, against all odds, I found I might actually like beyond mere tolerance. For the levity that had started to chase away the more exhausting thoughts.



I am finishing these in record time altho im copying from the story, inserting my presence here and there

I hope ya'll aint mad

if u dont like it

pls let me know, and then I'll stop.


have a good day, afternoon or night wherever you are!

Byeyeeeee mah bootyful muffins!!

Things That Need To Pass (passerine!Technoblade x OC) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now