CHAPTER [19] - Dream boy.

Start from the beginning

But his heart had stopped, not because of the horrid figures screaming, clawing him down, sinking him into the surface he stood on; but because the face he saw infront of him; identical to his own; older, gentler.

His birth dad.

That gentle smile faced him, and in the next second; its neck twisted, cracked; the sound of a deafening car honk screamed along his eardrums; he heard every crack of a bone, every twist of a joint; every splutter of blood; all while that man's eyes stared into his very own.

The scream was primal. It had a raw intensity to it that told of urgency, of desperate need.

That man screamed towards him.


"Stop, please, stop."

His neck twisted again and again, those tattered limbs moved like a skeleton towards Damsel; the man's eyeballs almost potruding out; he had that awful smile along his face; his tongue slipping out of his mouth and landing by Damsel's feet.


The sound of a car's siren terrorized his ears again.

It came back again in a flash, running over his dad's body.

How many times had the scene repeated?

Damsel was out of breath; he was screaming, yelling, he couldn't wake up, he couldn't move; he couldn't do anything; His shoulders shook and he could barely land a breath; his heart felt so strained that it was as if he was drowning in a pool of chemicals. He could not breath.

Then he saw someone.

Standing in the flames, not affected whatsoever.

His face was blurred, no matter how he looked he couldn't see his features, all except for his height and frame, he didn't talk, nor move, he just stood still, facing Damsel.

Damsel's feet hesitated, he didn't know why, who was he, was he the one letting him see these scenes? he was standing over there, watching as the man with broken limbs terrorize me. it was him, wasn't it? Damsel didn't know what drove him to take a step forward towards the figure, but it was as if his legs willed him to move like it was a need.

Like it was all that his life depended on.

When he took the first step, suddenly the flames went out.

He flinched as he just saw them disappear.

His face faltered as he looked at the still figure again, he lifted his leg, and took another step. The screeching sound of the car stopped.

This time, the dead bodies on the ground disappeared.

And with every step he took, the more his nightmare disappeared step by step, like the figure was the antidote rather than the poison, like he was the angel rather than Satan. And a thought ran over his head.

If he were to be next to that man, then nothing else in the world would matter.

It was that thought that filled his head as he was a step away from him; only then, did he turn around. His birth dad was smiling at him.

It's not real.

You're a nightmare disguised as hope. You bring the worst thoughts to my brain; at moments when I wished you were alive were the moments I delved into my most horrible thoughts; it would be better to remove you as my blind hope. You don't exist; I don't want to think about you anymore; I don't want to keep my mind occupied on something that will never exist.

Damsel took another step.

When he took that step, the only thing that remained was the forest and lake.

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