Prologue II

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Germany, Einzbern Castle.

22 years old Emiya Shirou just got off his Kawasaki Ninja 400. Well, it wasn't really his, it belongs to Rider, but the money came from him so he can be considered as an owner too.

He took off his helmet and stared at Illya's mansion. It has only been a month since he's been here, but with him taking missions after mission, it feels like it has been years.

Speaking of years, Shirou has become more mature than the him during the Fifth Holy Grail War. Standing at 191cm, he has a very toned body with tanned skin, he wore a brown leather jacket, a white t-shirt, black jeans, and black and white sneakers.

His auburn hair has a streaks of white and his once bronze eyes became dull gray. He wasn't one to cause girls to go crazy over him, but he can definitely make them take a second glance.

"The girls should already be inside right?" He said.

Today's the first day of the month, which means it is the day they are supposed to meet up at Illya's castle. Though Shirou was a little bit late since his flight to Germany got delayed.

"Well, don't want to make them wait." Shirou sighed and went inside the house.


"Onii-chan's late~" Illyasviel von Einzbern pouted as she rolled around the floor.

Unlike her previous 8 year old, appearance. Illya now looks to be a 13 years old girl, wearing purple blouse and white skirt.

The reason why she grew, is because of Caster, who had "fixed" and "modified" her body to function as a "normal" human.

"Mou~! It's been a month since I saw him, and I can't wait to see him!"

"Shut it chibi, but you're right. Where the hell is Shirou!?" Tohsaka Rin grumpily stomped her foot repeatedly on the floor.

The now 22 years old young woman already abandoned the twin-tails she had during her younger days, letting her long silky black hair loose.

Her blue eyes stared at the girls present, asking them where a certain man is through her gaze. She was wearing a red coat over a white turtleneck shirt with a black skirt and a black stockings.

"Learn to have some patience, miss Gorilla. His flight just got delayed, he'll be here any second now." Said one Luviagelita Edelfelt, or Luvia for short.

She gracefully took a sip of tea as she turned towards Rin. Her bright blue dress was reminiscent of the color of the sky. A ribbon of the same color kept her golden blonde hair in ringlets, and in her face is a provocative smirk reserved only for her 'rival'.

"So says the barbarian." Rin crossed her arms and returned gave Luvia a smirk of her.

"Fufufu~" Luvia narrowed her eyes as she stared at Rin, "Would you like to repeat that again, you dirty mouthed pig."

"Why you—!"

"Alright you two, that's enough."

Before the argument between the two escalates, Caster already went between them. The woman still looked the same as the day she was summoned, but this time she was not so "dark" compared to the her five years ago, and she has this "motherly" feel around her.

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