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Some people don't believe in superheroes.... But they haven't met my brother!

🍀A four clover is very rare to find same as the family of four people having special bond is very rare to find.

Four people with beautiful hearts were tried together with a thread. A story of two brothers and their friends who were joined together by destiny.

Two brothers related by blood, who are there for each other in this world.

Two friends who don't share the same blood yet they became each other's life forming a bond which is thicker than any blood relation.

Years back.... A family has been separated forever by a cruel destiny..... turning their children into orphans even after having relatives who are interested only in the property but not their welfare.

A small kid who doesn't know or understand what's happening. Who has no idea why his parents are sleeping...why those people inside are arguing.

His only comfort is being in his safety adobe i.e., his brother's embrace. Just then...

"No one .... I mean... No one is going to take my baby away. He will be my responsibility from today!" A strong voice declared startling everyone.

That statement made it clear that the kid is not only his brother but his child in every sense.

In pursuit of raising & protecting the kid.... his friends turned into family.

Who is the kid? What's his story?

Who is the boy who stood against everyone?

Who are these best friends?

How did four lives got entangled with each other forming a pure bond?

What's their story?

A story which shows the love, care & concern of brothers n the value of friendship.

Having different personalities yet can't live without each other. Their entire world depends on one person. His one smile is enough to lit up their faces.

A bond of love.... Between brothers.

A bond of trust..... Between friends.

A beautiful bond of hearts.... A family

Come join me in their journey ... Who are tied by hearts in an unbreakable bond.


A story of the bond between brothers n friends

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

A story of the bond between brothers n friends.... A roller coaster ride of emotions, drama and a whole lot of cuteness....which you would surely love to read.


This story is purely fictional and doesn't go for logic. I don't own any characters. This is my own work n all copyrights are reserved.

Hello friends! Hope you liked the prologue of my new story.

Do vote n comment, guys. It means a lot n will encourage me to write.

I will update only if the response is good.

Take care!

Atoot Bandhan.... Dil Ka💞जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें