"Only with you and okay Ms. Possessive." I said throwing a pillow towards her.

She caught it, "Better be only me." then threw it back.

"It is now, but come on I want to cuddle." I whined.

She scrunched up her nose adorably, "Remember Laur, you're all sweaty. Go take a shower."

I pouted, "Fine."

I grabbed the darkest clothes that Camila owned and then went into the bathroom. Ten minutes later I was out. I opened the door to reveal Camz reading a book with her glasses on.

I climbed up the bed and laid next to her. She put her book away, then opened up her arms and I immediately laid on her chest, then put one arm over her stomach. It was always her on my chest but it was my turn today. I just loved being in her soft and caring arms. She once told me mine make her feel safe, but hers made me feel loved and cared for. I was slowly starting to doze off but her angelic voice stopped me.

"We should take a picture like this." she said taking her glasses off and reaching over to get her phone.

She opened the camera and set it on front camera. She set the camera and gave a cheesy smile while I was smiling into her neck.

"Aww you look so adorable!" She cooed looking at the picture.

"No, your adorable."

"Nope, you."

"No you are." I said taking a look at the picture and suddenly words started to flow into my mind and I knew exactly what I wanted to her.



"A famous quote said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Yet, when I look at you and hear the spectacular things you say, I'm left speechless. So why not take those unspoken words and turn them into memories that I want to make with you. Nothing else seems to matter when you're by my side, you give me that endless happiness I've always desired."

She stayed there looking at me, trying to process what I just gushed out at her. It took a few moments for her to come back and when she did she gave out the biggest smile that she could manage, which I knew was real.

"I love your way with words Laur."

"Well I love yo-your beautiful mind." I said recovering from my slip.

"I also want to make memories with you because you also give me that endless happiness."

I always want to make her happy but she had to know my issues.
"Camz, I want to give you endless happiness but I have anger issues, I'm bipolar at times, I will distant myself when I'm going through something, I'm stubborn, and I never show weakness. I'm a handful and I don't think you'll stay when things get rough."

She looked deeply into my eyes, "Laur, I'm with you because my heart chose you. I'll be there for you in whatever condition you're in, I'll stick around. I'm also sure that no matter what, you'll keep me happy, I just know it."

She leaned down and captured my lips in her own and we shared a very loving kiss. When was it not? Maybe yesterday when things got...heated but it was still filled with affection. Anyway we were still kissing when we heard a door shut downstairs and we completely froze.

"You heard that?" She whispered.

"Yes, you have visitors or something?"

"Yeah Lauren, I do and they will just barge into my house without knocking." she replied sarcastically.

I sent her a glare, "Do you have anything that we could use as a weapon?"

"Umm, I have a soccer ball...?"

"Oh yeah, we could just throw the ball at the intruders and hope that it will knock them out" I replied sarcastically this time.

She rolled her eyes, "Go down there! You're supposed to protect me remember? Not be scared with me."

"Pshh I'm not even scared." I waved off.

"Go down there then."

"I will."

"Okay, I'm waiting." she said crossing her arms over her chest.

I slowly started walking towards her bedroom door and I quietly opened it. I tiptoed down the hall and peeked at the floor below. I saw a man and woman talking and sitting on the couches. I don't think intruders just chill in people's living rooms do they? I then walked back towards the bedroom to tell Camila.

"What did you see?"

"A man and a woman and they're just sitting in the living room." I said.

She froze and whispered, "They're here, after a month and a half, they're back."

I stood there confused, "Umm Camz? Whose back?"

She looked at me and said,

"My parents, they're home."

A/n: cue music* THUN THUN THUN. Camren is really cheesy lol. Well they're in their lovey dovey era. It's always calm before the storm ;)

We Are A Secret (Camren) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now