Mike: that's a bit too much.

Hitohito: haha well they're not dangerous so I guess she's safe.

Mike: so what's the deal between you two?

Hitohito: hm?

Mike: are you part of her cult or something? I've seen you two close so I figured you're part of it.

Hitohito: oh no no no, I'm just a friend of her that's it. In reality Komi-san just has a communication disorder, meaning it's difficult for her to talk to someone.

Mike: ah that explains the intense stares.

Hitohito: I promised her to reach her dream in high-school.

Mike: oh yeah, and what is?

Hitohito: she wants to make 100 friends.

Mike: woah........ Tadano-san, you truly are a man.

Hitohito: haha please cut it out, I'm just doing what a good friend would do.

While they kept working on the preparations for the festival. Onemine, Otori and Shouko brought food fro everyone to enjoy, between the 3 of them they made onigiri but the real question was which one were Shouko's.

Hitohito without thinking just grabbed one that was on the plate, and that made Shouko a bit happy.

Onemine: oh Tadano you picked the one that Komi-san made.

This caused once again the whole class to be jealous and targeted Hitohito...... again.

Itan day of the festival.

The day of the cultural festival has arrived, lot's of visitors stopped by the class 1-1 by the maid cafe to see the beautiful maid. The girls in the class all dressed as maid, and Mike with the help of Hitohito and some of the boys helped in the kitchen preparing the food.

Mike: no no no you have to cook it at 35 degrees otherwise the flavor is gone. Hey you you're using too much flour use the cups that I gave you. Hey did you wash your hands when came back from the restroom?!

Hitohito: ( haha Mike sure is having fun.)

Mike: ah Tadano your crepe is burning.

Hitohito: oh crap!

Mike: I am working with a bunch of amateurs.

Nakanaka: umm Mike.

Mike: yes?

Nakanaka: um we have a order of a parfait and an iced coffee for table 6.

Mike: right on!......

Before making the order he stared at Nakanaka for a few seconds.

Nakanaka: .... w-what?

Mike: ah sorry it's just that..... you look good in that maid outfit.

Mike's words made Nakanaka blush a little.

Nakanaka: t-thanks.

Mike: (did I just said that?)

Mike blushed too by what he said. It's true that he never talked to a girl before so he didn't know how to approach one.

Najimi had a mischievous idea that only he/she/they could come up with.

Najimi: yoo Tadano can you come with me for a sec?

Hitohito: give me a moment.

Hitohito followed Najimi all the way to the dressing room.

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