I waved my arms, trying to get his attention through the window. I wondered if I needed to throw a scrap of paper at the back of his head, but eventually he noticed me standing at the window. He blinked, a confused smile tugging at his lips. I motioned for him to come outside. He obliged, quietly standing up from his seat and making his way towards the door. My stomach clenched with nerves the closer he got. Dick silently slipped outside the classroom, closing the door behind him before turning back to me.

"Hey, what are you doing here? Is everything alright?" He asked me, a hint of worry in his voice.

I tried to smile to mask my nerves.

"What, I can't just talk to my friend without there being a complicated situation?" I laughed weakly.

He raised an eyebrow at me and smirked, not believing me for a second. I groaned, my eyes squeezing shut. I wrapped my arms around my waist, trying to find a way to begin.

"I need to tell you something." I blurted.

He blinked, his blue eyes widening slightly. He seemed to take in my nervous ticks, my tapping finger and the hesitation in my voice. Immediately, his shoulders stiffened.

"You do?"

I nodded. Dick swallowed thickly, his fingers twitching as he awaited my response. I took a deep breath in, knowing Dinah would kill me for what I was about to tell him.

"It's about last week. Why Linh tried to take me." I told him.

Different emotions flashed across Dick's face in a matter of moments. Disappointed quickly morphed into surprise. He was quick to respond.

"Jackie, you don't have to tell me anything. I understand if you don't want-"

"No." I cut him off. "I want you to know."

I took a deep breath and rubbed my palms on my skirt. My heart was beating in my chest so forcefully now, I was afraid it might bust my ribs. Dick looked like he wanted to object again, but clamped his mouth shut and patiently waited for me to tell him whatever I had planned to. Ahh, screw it.

"I'm a Metahuman." I blurted softly.

Dick's reaction was very delayed. I expected him not to know what it was and I prepared to explain, but I didn't need to. Oddly enough, he seemed mildly confused for a moment as if he expected a different answer, and then his face exploded into shock, his mouth dropping open. I blinked in surprise.

"You're a Metahuman?!" He exclaimed.

I wasn't used to hearing the word out loud, so I practically leapt on top of him to get him to shut up. I covered his lips with my hand and frantically looked around.

"Quiet down, would ya!" I hissed.

But he was still in shock. When I finally released him, Dick paced and combed his fingers through his hair, as if pieces of a puzzle were falling into place. He looked both directions down the hallway, before grabbing my hand.

"Come on." He said, guiding us down to a vacant science classroom.

A plastic solar system hung from the ceiling, with painted planets and winking stars. Dick stuck his head into the hallway, making sure we were alone, before closing it and locking the door. What we were about to discuss was probably not meant for sensitive ears, so I was grateful for the privacy. Dick made no move to turn the lights on, and we were enveloped in darkness, with only the windows for illumination.

"This explains so much." He muttered to himself, his eyes darting everywhere as if things now made sense.

"What do you mean? What does it explain?" I asked, confused.

Bluejay: The Protégé of Black CanaryWhere stories live. Discover now