Part 56: The beggining of the end

Comenzar desde el principio

Rasetsu: Do you think they'll come?

Fubuki: Yes. I am quite sure. Now they know my true identity they have no choice but to fight.

Kagura: *Walks towards then*

Fubuki: You see?

Kagura: Listen Naraku this is probably gonna be a pretty long battle. But no matter what you can't interfere kay?

Naraku: Yes I know. But somehow I doubt you'll lose Kagura. I'm not terribly concerned.

Kagura: I appreciate your vote of confidence, but I say the odds are 50/50.


E: Until we put a certain guy in the situation hehe.

*Time resume*

Fubuki: I'm impressed you came here. Knowing I'm going to kill you.

Kagura: Well I finally figured something out. Why things were off when we fought before. It's actually because your half Yōma aren't you Fubuki?

Fubuki: Indeed that's correct. *Transforms* and this is the proof Kagura.

Kagura: *Transforms* Looks like I'll have to kill you then!

*With Reed*

Reed: Looks like the party started early! Get everyone ready cuz we have a fight to catch up on! *Flies away*

Asuka: Reed! Wait a moment!

Yumi: There's no use! We have to tell the others.

*Small timeskip*

Homura: I get it. It all makes a little more sense now.

Miyabi: So why are you telling us this? It doesn't matter what the-

Roy: And why now if all times!? We need to go find Reed!

Homura: I sympathize with Fubuki I really do but her story isn't as different as ours. Like take the girls from Gessen. You all lost your parents right?

Yumi: Yes, but even so, I agree we should seal the Yōma away instead of killing them.

Roy: Can't relate.

Miyabi: If so, then count me out! The job of the Shinobi is to kill the Yōma and I refuse to stray from that path! Now we're done here. *Stands up*

*A large Ki builds from far away*

Roy POV: *Spits out blood* T-this pressure... This... This malice. It can only mean one thing.

Yumi: Roy? Are you alright?

Orange: I just got here and this is what happened?

Miyabi: It's useless. *Leaves*

Homura: Poor girl. She lost her mother by a Yōma after all. *Sighs* not surprised she's mad.

Yumi: Yeah.

Roy: We may have a third party coming our way. And fast.

Homura: What was that?

Roy: We have a third party. Someone's coming here.

Asuka: Wait, who's coming here!?

Roy: That'll spoil the surprise. We can't let the enemy know. Our main priority as of right now, is to make sure he gets here without anyone knowing. Not even our allies. Got that?

Asuka: I may not know how This'll play out but okay. *Stands up*

Homura: Asuka?

Asuka: Sealing the Yōma is the right thing. Even if I'm punished I'll still do it.

Roy: That's the spirit. I'll have to show the same type of thing for the rest of you too.

Asuka: *Walks outside*

*Outside the room*

Asuka: *Thinking*

Ikaruga: Hey, we heard everything inside.

Katsuragi: You really are ridiculous. You should have told us silly.

Green: We'll join you with this. No matter what. We weren't even here for that long.

Red: So don't leave us out of it.

Hibari: Besides, we're all in this together! Like we always are!

Blue: What she said!

Yagyū: And if we get expelled from Hanzō we'll figure something out.

Chosen one: We'll be superheroes instead!

Yellow: That sounds fun to be honest.

Roy: *Opens the door* So you heard everything huh? Screw it. Let's just get everyone ready for this. Inform them and prepare.

Katsuragi: Or maybe rouge Shinobi!

Roy: I'm being ignored. It's fine.

*The Hanzō girls embrace in a nice hug*

Roy: That is so cute.

*A while later*

Roy POV: *Pondering* Where could have Reed possibly gone? He's out my tracking. Maybe, he's heading to his location. I just have to bet my gut on it.

*In Homura's room*

Homura: Fubuki's mother was said to be the strongest Yōma ever. So who could have sealed her away?

*In the Gessen girls room*

Yumi: *Stands up* *Leaves the room*

*In the lobby*

Yumi: *Knocked on Kagura's door* Kagura? Sorry for calling you this late but can I have a word with you? Are you there? *Opens the door*

*The room is empty*

*With Kagura*

Kagura: *Sends multiple energy slashes*

Fubuki: *Slide Dodges the slashes*

Kagura: *Pinned in ice* Huh!?

Fubuki: Hmph. *Sends an ice spike*

Kagura: *Breaks the ice* Take this! *Breaks the ice spike*

Naraku POV: Impossible. I didn't think they'd be on the same level.

Rasetsu POV: Please Fubuki you have to win. For the sake of or great desire.

----------To be continued...

Nakiri & Scarlet: Road to ShinobiDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora