For a second, it seemed like Seto was about to look down to see the severity of his wound, but he simply fell forward, off of his Ultimate Dragon, plunging through the sky as his white coat fluttered about so vigorously unlike its wearer.

Rage against her powerlessness, fear for Seto's life, but above all, hatred towards Bakura. These were the feelings that started to drown Luna's other thoughts and her entire being.

As she let out an utterly furious and pained howl, which she couldn't believe was coming from her even as she yelled, Luna felt her body moving on its own without any restraints. Whether it was fueled by the sheer loathing and rancor or by something else entirely, Luna saw the golden aura around her turn black as the abyss.

"Shall we move on to your other-" Bakura was saying beside her when her right hand plunged right through Bakura's chest.

Her heart started to beat faster, Bakura screamed more out of surprise than pain just as Luna grabbed what she believed to be his pumping heart. Luna felt the corners of her mouth flexing back into a manic smile as she started to squeeze. But just before her fingers could puncture through the heart in her grasp, Bakura suddenly liquefied into a shadow, as he was pulled back towards the mutated Leviathan.

"No!" Luna yelled in a voice that was unfamiliar to herself. "No!"

"Luna!" Jaden yelled, and though she could tell he was calling out to her, her anger was too much at the moment to care.

"I shall reap the life out of your pathetic being with my own hands even if I have to raze this world to do it!" Luna heard herself scream. "I will end-"

"Luna!" Mokuba yelled, appearing just at the corner of her vision. "Luna, what did he do to you!"

Whether it was the fear on his face or the fear in his voice, Luna seemed to somehow be able to break away from the trance she was in, gasping for air as if she had been under water this entire time.

"What did I do to her?" Bakura's voice demanded before he burst out laughing. "That crazy bitch almost ripped my heart right out of my chest with her bare hands! This is who she is without all of her masks, without all of her restraints! This is who I need beside me!"

Luna looked around to see what had happened to Seto.

"If you are looking for Seto, I told your hunters and dancers to take him somewhere safe." Jaden said, approaching her while looking worried. "Did he put a spell on you?"

That was Yami Luna. Luna told herself despite knowing it felt distinctly different than the presence that Yami Luna gave off. Yeah, that has to be it. That couldn't have been me.

"Come on, Luna!" Bakura's voice seemingly came from inside of the devilish Leviathan now. "Surely you see that there's nothing worthwhile left in this world! And I promise you, you won't catch me by surprise again like that. So why don't you join me, huh? Two travelers, seeing the entirety of the universe and all the worlds in them! Oh, it's going to be an adventure!"

Luna looked at her right hand, the black aura was gone, but Luna couldn't shake the feeling that it had just gone back inside of her skin to lay dormant for the time being.

"All you have to do is destroy this world with me." Bakura sounded almost cheerful, like a child asking his best friend to come out and play. "Come on! What else can you do?"

"I-" Luna said, pausing and noting that her voice sounded her own again. "I will stop you. I will destroy you and your Leviathan."

"Destroy my Leviathan and I?" A shadowy form of Bakura appeared on the forehead of the Leviathan, much like Dartz had done in the anime. "My sweetest Luna, you couldn't even if you tried. But even if you could, you realize that Leviathan is the only thing holding this world together at the moment, right? Destroying it would make every being here to be taken back to the place of their origin. I would be back to my own world and you would be back to yours, just as your dancers would be back to the spirit world. Not only that but any spirits without a corporeal form here, like your Yami Luna, she would definitely be taken back to the place of her origin, wherever that may be. What would that accomplish? We would all just be back to square one!"

My Time in Battle City [Tales of Luna, Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now