Chapter 16

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Those same pillars of green lights appeared in several places at once, breaking through the heavy dark clouds that now completely covered the skies as far as the eye could see.

"Are we having a dance off party?" Seto asked in his usual straight face but with palpable sass.

"Ready yourselves for the dawn of a new age!" Noah continued to screech his piercing voice, seemingly ignoring Seto. "The age of the gods!"

"Shut your mouth, kid!" Marik yelled as he flung his cape to the side dramatically. "You haven't even seen the true power of the gods yet!"

"Well let me show you, Mr. Ishtar!" Noah said as he snapped his fingers. "Let the hosts of angels bring tidings of my new world!"

Even before he had finished speaking, several big angel-like figures started to come down from the skies through the pillars of light. And despite the dark skies, eerie green lights, and the promise of the end of the world, it was still a sight to behold to see such angelic beings descending from the heavens.

Wait, are those all-

­Luna looked at the angels more closely. Chills ran up her spine as she realized that each one of them was a Shinato, King of a Higher Plane.

So many.

Even as she thought it, more and more angels started to appear.

"They all have 3300 attack each, use monsters with stronger attack points!" Luna yelled as she unsummoned her three Neos monsters. There was no reason to keep weaker monsters that could be destroyed to drain her energy.

"Pharaoh! Keep Bakura safe for a bit!" Luna heard Marik yell.

She looked up and remembered that his god slime was currently at 3150 attack. Before she could think of much more, she saw the god slime simply pick Bakura up off of his shoulder and throw him to Pharaoh like one would a potato.

"What!" Pharaoh yelled, as he summoned Valkyrion the Magna Warrior just in time to catch the flung Bakura in mid air.

Okay, Pharaoh has Valkyrion with 3500 attack and Arcana Knight Joker with 3800 attack. He should be okay.

But as she watched, Marik unsummoned his god slime. She figured she would protect him while he did whatever he was trying to do, but her sudden movement seemed to have somehow activated all the angels, making them all start moving towards her friends.

"Marik!" she yelled as she willed her dragon to fly faster.

Marik, seeing an angel approach him, darted forward, slid on the ground and threw two cards into the air.

I'm not going to make it in time!

She thought as she saw one of the angels quickly close in on Marik and stab at him with one of its wings.


But just as quickly, she realized a metallic ball had formed around Marik, which then quickly grew into a giant Obelisk form and punched the angel so hard that it disintegrated right away.

"Phew! That was a close one!" Marik yelled, emerging from the back of his new god slime. "Will have to thank Kaiba boy for that!"

Luna quickly noticed the hologram numbering at the god slime's feet.

4050 attack point?

She looked at Seto's Ultimate Dragon and remembered that its current attack was a whopping 5400 at the moment.

Three fourths of 5400. Marik must has resummoned his slime, targeting Seto's dragon, he's smarter than he looks.

That meant Marik was fine too. Seto, of course, was one she would never have to worry about. And Mokuba at Seto's side, was riding his Black Meteor Dragon once again, with its 3500 attack.

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