Chapter 10

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"How did he hack into Kaiba Corp broadcast channels?" Seto asked, seemingly to himself, beside Luna.

"You trusted in Seto Kaiba to have a fun and safe tournament, but here were are." The screens changed to show the destruction in the city caused by Ra. "Whatever he did, you are no longer safe!"

"Roland, what's going on? Get that little runt offline immediately." Seto said on the phone. "Hello? Roland!"

"Some of you may have noticed that you are now taking real damage. It hurts doesn't it? Not only that, but the monsters you have summoned are now real! A terrifying prospect for sure!" The screens came back to Noah's smirking face. "Some of you may even be inclined to never duel again, traumatized by what Seto has caused!"

"We have to get to Kaiba Corp Tower, Luna." Seto said as he got up on his Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon once again.

"Wait, Seto. That's Noah Kaiba. Gozaburo's real son." Luna tried to explain, not knowing how things were going to unfold, but remembering that Seto lost his duel against Noah in the anime. If Seto lost now, during Battle City, he would lose Obelisk, and who knew what kind of consequences that would have?

"You seem to know and keep a lot of secrets, Luna." Seto said after a moment of thought.

"Wait! Just- can you wait a second? We need to think this through!" Luna said as Seto turned his dragon around towards the Tower.

"We can't have that though!" Noah continued with that naughty smirk. "So to incentivize you to keep dueling, to keep fighting for your lives! I have summoned some real monsters of my own out into your world! And they will be hunting down everyone indiscriminately, because here at Kaiba Corp, we believe in equal opportunities for everyone!"

"He is an AI, Seto!" Luna yelled, hoping that would catch Seto's interest enough to keep him from flying out there alone. "That's probably how he hacked into your systems. The real son of Gozaburo got really sick and Gozaburo put his consciousness into a computer to give him a happy life. Of course, that little shit is an evil sadistic prick though. He won't play fair, if you go duel him on your own, you will lose."

"People are dying out there!" He said seemingly frustrated.

"And they will keep dying if we don't think things through to be able to actually win against these people!" Luna yelled back, just as frustrated. Where was this desperate regard for human life when he literally ripped Odion in half?

"These people?" Kaiba seemed slightly concerned.

"I'm going to guess that Noah is in cahoots with the Rare Hunters. The timing of this, can't be a coincidence!" Luna explained her line of thought, as she looked towards the city and seeing some dragons take flight at a distance.

"What do they want?" His anger seemed to be more related to his lack of knowledge than anything.

"I don't know!" Luna said, angry at herself for not knowing the answers either. "None of this makes sense, these events were not supposed to be connected."

She took a deep breath.

"Look, I'll go the Tower and see what's up. They won't be expecting me. Noah doesn't know me." Luna tried to explain more calmly. "But you should go find Mokuba. The Noah that I know, was out for revenge. You took his place as the heir of the Kaibas, and Mokuba is also Kaiba."

"Shoot a blast to the sky with your dragon if you need me." Seto said before nodding once and taking off on his dragon.

Before he took off, Luna could see in his expression that he had about a thousand questions but he still left anyway. She assumed it was because his brother's safety had come into question. She didn't know if he believed everything she had told him, but she knew Seto would not take any chances when it came to the safety of his little brother.

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