Chapter 18

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Noah was there, so why wouldn't other villains? And yet the fact that the evil King of Atlantis was standing there in front of her, jarred her to the core. Were all of these villains working together? Is that what Noah had meant by we every time he spoke? What was their end game?

"Luna!" She heard Jaden yell. "Grab Seto and get out of there! The building is going to collapse!"

She quickly willed her dancers to attack Yami Bakura and Dartz as she made a run for Seto. She noted that Yami Bakura sank back into the shadow that he had come out of, but Dartz started to float.

What the hell?

A high pitched scream made her look back, but Jaden was helping Mokuba up onto his Meteor B. Dragon, her eyes darted around and found Noah holding on to a bloody stump where his left hand should have been. The ground shook much harder all of the sudden, making her turn back around.

Obelisk was almost completely absorbed, its owner was now on the ground, foaming at the corner of his mouth. When she finally got to him, she realized that he was having a convulsion. She quickly made her dancer come back to her to defend them as she tried to lift Seto onto her dragon before quickly realizing that it wasn't going to work.

Luna then quickly got up on her dragon and willed her dancers to lift Seto onto her dragon, but before they could do so, the floor gave out under them. Panicking, she made her Slash Dragon grab Seto, but in doing so, she noticed a bloody Joey falling with the crumbling concrete around them.

Grab Joey- grab Marik as well!

She thought to her dancers, hoping they would be able to do so as she flew up. But before she could look for Jaden and Mokuba, she noticed that the world was changing colors. In confusion she looked down and saw mountains flickering in and out where Domino City had been. Forests and deserts, swamps and even a volcano. All of these different terrains seemed to be fading in and out of existence.

What is-

And before she could finish that thought, the bolt of cyan light that was coming out of the building suddenly burst, exploding with such force that it threw her dragon to the side. As she held on for dear life, she noticed that her dragon was also holding Seto tightly. But despite her trying her best to gain control back again to fly away, they kept on falling.

Come on! Don't let us die like this!

Suddenly her dancers appeared and started pushing the dragon away from the KC Tower, which was now completely falling apart. She quickly noticed that none of her dancers were holding Marik or Joey.

No! What are you doing! Go find them!

But her dancers noticeably looked conflicted.

"They are already gone, master." One of them said. "Our duty is to keep you safe."

"You- you can talk?" Luna wondered out loud.

A soul shaking roar shook the world, making Luna turn to see the Great Leviathan where Obelisk had been. But where the KC Tower had been, was now a giant frozen fortress of some kind. And before her head could wrap around all of that, the Great Leviathan roared once again but in a magnitude all of its own, sending a shockwave so powerful that knocked Luna unconscious when it passed through them.




She first noticed the wind in her face, then the sound of her dragon's wings and finally, arms around her. She quickly forced her eyes open and noticed that one of her Lunalights was sitting behind her on the dragon and that her arms were around Luna to keep her from falling. She also noticed that Seto was sprawled on his stomach on her lap. He wasn't convulsing anymore but she still quickly put her finger tips under his nose to see if he was still breathing.

My Time in Battle City [Tales of Luna, Book 1]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz