Chapter 3

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Several questions flew through her mind, mainly questions regarding the reason behind the main character of GX being in Battle City. But no explanation she could think of made any sense.

"Pay attention to where you are going." Mokuba told Jaden as he helped Luna stand up, seemingly oblivious as to who the red blazer wearing young man was. "You might get run over during the tournament if you have your head in the clouds like that."

"Yeah, sorry about that." Jaden laughed so innocently. "It's just, I didn't realize KC Tower was so big! Could have sworn it wasn't this big the last time I was here."

"Don't know what to tell you." Mokuba said before turning to Luna. "Anyway, like I was saying, there is a dormitory building not too far from here, actually."

"Oh, are dormitories provided to participating duelists?" Jaden asked, making Mokuba comically turn to face him as if wondering what that guy was still doing there. "I'm kind of out of town and penniless."

"I have a feeling he is an amazing duelist, Mokuba." Luna stated, now starting to think that maybe whatever brought her to this world might have brought Jaden here as well. For the first time she wondered if there was something more important going on rather than just an opportunity for her to have fun, dueling with her favorite anime characters.

Mokuba looked Jaden up and down.

"I don't know, he sure could use a lesson or two in grooming." Mokuba said as he touched the side of Jaden's Duel Disk revealing a serial number. Mokuba quickly tapped and typed something on his tablet and scrolled a few times before tapping once again. "Whoa, knocked out the Lv. 40 AI by Turn 2. Jaden Yuki, huh?"

"That's me!" Jaden smiled. "Those Duel Station are pretty neat, but would be neater to be able to increase the level of the AIs."

Mokuba's face lost all expression as he looked from Jaden to Luna.

"What is this, a convention for show offs?" Mokuba said as he started to walk. "Follow me, I will show you to the dorm building."

As they made their way through the building, Luna kept looking back at Jaden. She wanted to ask him a ton of questions, but wondered if it was okay to ask them with Mokuba being present.

"Is there something on my face?" Jaden asked a little uneasily.

"No, just curious as to what kind of deck you use." Luna stated, wondering if she should use her psychic trick again to ask him about his elemental heroes.

"That's not something you should ask other duelists!" Mokuba stated without turning back. "My brother said a serious duelist shouldn't worry about what other people play, but rather how well you play your own cards."

"Oh, I don't mind!" Jaden answered, as friendly as ever. "I use Elemental Heroes! I don't think it's a very known archetype around here, though."

So he is aware that he is not in his timeline.

"Elemental Heroes? I don't think I have ever heard of those." Mokuba stated, not seeming to pay too much mind to that.

"I used Elemental Hero Neos as my fusion material, remember?" Luna said, but kept her eyes on Jaden to gauge his reaction.

And as expected, Jaden quickly turned to look at her, seemingly taken aback. Their gazes met and she could tell he had a lot of questions as well.

"Oh yeah, I didn't get to see him in action though." Mokuba commented, still seemingly distracted. "But maybe-"

"Mokuba!" Seto's voice came from farther ahead.

"Big brother!" Mokuba's voice went up an octave.

Luna swallowed hard. Was she finally going to meet Kaiba? What was she going to say? What was he going to say? Was he going to say anything at all to her?

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